1 (edited by brianmiller 27-11-2006 12:40:08)

Re: Report Wizard and Rucksack not work

I have tried to use a Rucksack of Rare Plants in Oxfordshire to report on in the Report Wizard. However, when I am on the Taxa Selection Window and go to select the Current Rucksack and then put a tick in the All Taxa from List, I get no results in the end report. If I choose one of the dictionary lists I do get results.

If I do not tick the All Taxa from List box but instead select all the Rucksack species in the Available side of the window and move them to the Selected side and run the report it produces results based on the Rucksack list.

So, is this a bug or is this the way you have to select ALL species from the open Rucksack please?



Brian Miller
(Conservation Officer (Buckinghamshire), BBOWT)


Re: Report Wizard and Rucksack not work

I'd say that it is unexpected behaviour and if it's not a bug then it should certainly be made to work as expected in a future release, i.e. ticking All Taxa From List generates a report on all taxa contained in a rucksack, if a rucksack is selected.


Charles Roper
Digital Development Manager | Field Studies Council
http://www.field-studies-council.org | https://twitter.com/charlesroper | https://twitter.com/fsc_digital


Re: Report Wizard and Rucksack not work


I can reproduce this problem and will create a candidate CCN here to fix this in the next version.

Kind regards,


Sarah Shaw
Biodiversity Information Assistant

Sarah Shaw
Biodiversity Information Assistant


Re: Report Wizard and Rucksack not work


Many thanks for this.


Brian Miller
(Conservation Officer (Buckinghamshire), BBOWT)


Re: Report Wizard and Rucksack not work


I'm not sure if I am dealing with the same problem and ending up with a blank report or making some other mistake.

I have tried to use the Report Wizard to print out all the bird records submitted by a particular observer. When I get to the Taxa Selection screen, I choose the 'RSPB checklist of UK birds' but cannot get any species names on the Selected side of the screen - indeed, I cannot get any names to appear on the Available side either. Clicking on All taxa from list or All taxa does nothing helpful.

How am I meant to choose all bird species to check if the observer has seen them?

Thanks in anticipation,

Cheers, Ian


Re: Report Wizard and Rucksack not work

If you type the first few letters of a species name into the Find Taxon field, does anything appear then? If so, then things are working correctly; if not, then something is wrong. If you want to report on ALL species from a list, tick the "All Taxa from list" box. If you do this, you don't need to select species from the Available pane.


Charles Roper
Digital Development Manager | Field Studies Council
http://www.field-studies-council.org | https://twitter.com/charlesroper | https://twitter.com/fsc_digital


Re: Report Wizard and Rucksack not work


I couldn't see the CCN for this fix on the Recorder website under Future Developments.  Is the fix in Recorder 6.9.3?

Does the fix also resolve the problem where rucksacks are automatically expanded even when you don't choose the expanded version?

Many thanks,

Andy Foy
Systems Manager
Greenspace Information for Greater London (GiGL) CIC


Re: Report Wizard and Rucksack not work

Hi Andy

Unfortunately it won't be fixed in V6.9.3 - I will be putting it forward to be fixed in the next version.

I'll also investigate the problem with expanding taxonomic lists and add this to the incident raised.

I'm documenting bugs here at JNCC as they are found, and I am then going to pass these to Dorset Software when development of the next version begins. The wording has changed slightly so both bugs and changes to the software are deemed as CCN's, although only CCN's in the strictest sense (changes to the software) are included on the website.

I'm also keeping a list of suggested improvements to the software, documentation etc. here at JNCC, so we can review these when it comes to developing future versions.

Kind regards,


Sarah Shaw
Biodiversity Information Assistant

Sarah Shaw
Biodiversity Information Assistant


Re: Report Wizard and Rucksack not work

Hi Andy

Can you give me more details on how to reproduce the problem with expanding rucksacks taxonomically?

I'm assumed that you meant when creating a recording card and using a rucksack, when you are asked do you want expand the list taxonomically?

However, this seems to work for me?! so maybe you mean something else??

Many thanks,


Sarah Shaw
Biodiversity Information Assistant

Sarah Shaw
Biodiversity Information Assistant


Re: Report Wizard and Rucksack not work

Hi Sarah,

The problem relates to creating a survey card as you mention, but also in the Report Wizard when selecting taxons from an open rucksack.  These problems have been causing us problems, but then again we are currently on v6.3 so it is not surprising.

Certainly the Report Wizard variation of this problem appears to be resolved in 6.9.3 (but not in 6.7.2a) because when I select a rucksack (unexpanded) and select all the items in the available list the count in the selected list is correct.  I haven't tried creating a new survey card to test this yet.

I just wanted to check that it had been formally fixed between 6.7.2a and 6.9.3 rather than it just appear in a different form again later.


There is a perhaps not totally unrelated bug in both 6.3 and 6.7.2a where if a subs-species has a particular status attached to it, any occurences for either the parent species or other sibling sub-species appear with that status in the Report Wizard.  For example, if I use the Additional Filter criteria to select for any taxons with a chosen taxon status short name, the report will list all occurrences for the parent and sibling taxons too.  I am not sure if this has been resolved in 6.9.3 either because I don't have enough occurrence data in my standalone test version to test fully.  Any thoughts on this one?

Many thanks,

Andy Foy
Systems Manager
Greenspace Information for Greater London (GiGL) CIC


Re: Report Wizard and Rucksack not work

Hi Andy

Just to confirm...

The problem with using the report wizard (with an open rucksack) and selecting current rucksack - all taxa (see above) is still a problem in V6.9.3 but I will put this forward to be fixed in the next version.

I cannot reproduce  the problem with expanding taxonomically (even if you choose not to do so) when using a rucksack to create a recording card in V6.9.3. I'll therefore consider this fixed unless it is reproduced at a later date.

In terms of the problem with subspecies and statuses, would it be possible to give me an example where this occurs, i.e. what taxa/status are you using (so I can try this out)?

Many thanks,


Sarah Shaw
Biodiversity Information Assistant

Sarah Shaw
Biodiversity Information Assistant


Re: Report Wizard and Rucksack not work

Hi Charles

Jumping back a few posts to your reply to me. When I use the Report wizard and I get to the Taxa selection screen, if I type the first letters of a species name, I do get the names of species that start with those letters. If I tick the box 'All taxa from list' there are no species listed on either side of the screen and all the arrows are greyed out. If I complete the wizard to be able to see some results of the search, the end result is just a blank report, with one empty line appearing. Clearly, the 'All taxa from list' choice is not working as I know that there are records that could be selected.

Is there a way round this problem?

Cheers, Ian