Re: Importing zipped Access database

I have been sent a zipped Access database from another installation of R6. Before I import it, I want to be certain I understand what rights I will have over the records.  This stems from the inability of R6 running under Vista to restore a backup (I assume that is still the case), so I can't take the risk of doing something I can't easily reverse or modify.

Will I have the right to move these imported events to other Surveys, and delete the imported Survey?

Are there limits on the export of these data to e.g. NBN Gateway?

Is there anything else I should know about the consequences of the import?

Is there a prospect that the 'restore under Vista' problem will be resolved soon?

I have my own complete copy of the records in Access as a backup that could restore the dataset in the event of disaster, but what is the recommended process?

Thanks, and apologies for the long list of questions.



Re: Importing zipped Access database

Hi Murdo

Probably your easiest solution would be to establish a Test system (either your complete database, or a representative sample, dependind on space etc.). You can then import your zipped database and evaluate the functionality of the data at your leisure.

Hope this helps,



Re: Importing zipped Access database

Thanks for that suggestion, Dave.
