Topic: Reports against rucksacks crashing - help!

I have recently run a dictionary update (00000053) on our instance of R6 ( and rebuilt the indexes as usual. All has been functioning OK until I tried reporting against a rucksack which was created using the 'Generate Rucksack 3 (v6.22)' add-in. The report ran for some time before crashing and the full crash report is enclosed.

Common to all crash reports is the exception message: The transaction log for database 'tempdb' if full due to 'ACTIVE_TRANSACTION'

All of our rucksacks - those created 'in-house' using the add-in and those supplied from external sources, ran OK before the dictionary update, so I am assuming that this is where the fault lies. None of them appear to now and its driving me to distraction! Could anyone advise of a probable cause/possible solution to this issue please?

Biological Records Officer
Rotherham MBC
Rotherham Biological Records Centre


Re: Reports against rucksacks crashing - help!

This issue has now been resolved, thank you,

Biological Records Officer
Rotherham MBC
Rotherham Biological Records Centre