Topic: Recorder crashing before opening


Recently Recorder has been crashing as I try to open it. It opens as far as the welcome screen but then freezes before the login screen opens and reports an unhandled error. I attach a screenshot of the message that appears.

I have a colleague that also uses the same installation and appears to have no problem logging on. We run on a local authority network and the IT helpdesk has decided that the issue is with recorder.

Any ideas what has happened?

David Lampard

Post's attachments

Recorder error.jpg 255.27 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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Re: Recorder crashing before opening

Additional copy of bug report

Post's attachments

LastError.docx 22.17 kb, 1 downloads since 2023-03-15 

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Re: Recorder crashing before opening

Hi David

Could you click on 'show bug report' and post the first 100~ lines to this topic as they should provide a clue about what's wrong.


Andy Foy
Systems Manager
Greenspace Information for Greater London (GiGL) CIC


Re: Recorder crashing before opening

date/time         : 2021-08-31, 09:57:35, 46ms
computer name     : CORP19-ST122
wts client name   : 255796-1-1
user name         : david.lampard <admin>
registered owner  : Windows User
operating system  : Windows NT New x64 build 9200
system language   : English
system up time    : 4 hours 4 minutes
program up time   : 1 second
processors        : 4x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2660 v3 @ 2.60GHz
physical memory   : 3443/18423 MB (free/total)
free disk space   : (H:) 5.09 GB
display mode      : 1920x1080, 32 bit
process id        : $43d4
allocated memory  : 22.35 MB
command line      : \\dundeecity.gov.uk\dcc-dfs-data\lcd-team\LCD-Arts\Recorder6\RecorderApp.exe /1835866
executable        : RecorderApp.exe
exec. date/time   : 2012-01-11 17:15
version           :
compiled with     : Delphi 7
madExcept version : 3.0n
callstack crc     : $18fd5c47, $61689441, $61689441
exception number  : 1
exception class   : EApplicationSettingsError
exception message : The Error Path setting is missing or incorrect. Recorder is not installed properly and cannot start.

main thread ($5098):
00a74789 RecorderApp.exe ApplicationSettings 3744  +25 TApplicationSettings.FindRegPath
00a69906 RecorderApp.exe ApplicationSettings  923 +105 TApplicationSettings.ReadRegistrySettings
00a68b32 RecorderApp.exe ApplicationSettings  688  +16 TApplicationSettings.Create
00a8bbf4 RecorderApp.exe RecorderApp          368  +25 initialization
765c0417 KERNEL32.dll                                  BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $4ca8:
77398403 KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObjectEx
7739835d KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObject
765c0417 KERNEL32.dll    BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $5f50:
77398403 KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObjectEx
7739835d KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObject
765c0417 KERNEL32.dll    BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $4a08:
77398403 KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObjectEx
7739835d KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObject
765c0417 KERNEL32.dll    BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $3bf4:
77398403 KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObjectEx
7739835d KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObject
765c0417 KERNEL32.dll    BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $4050:
766c1238 USER32.dll                MsgWaitForMultipleObjects
0047bc65 RecorderApp.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
0047bccf RecorderApp.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
765c0417 KERNEL32.dll              BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($5098) at:
722bb268 gdiplus.dll

thread $5b8c:
77398403 KERNELBASE.dll            WaitForSingleObjectEx
7739835d KERNELBASE.dll            WaitForSingleObject
0047bc65 RecorderApp.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
0047c393 RecorderApp.exe madExcept UserWorkItemExceptFrame
765c0417 KERNEL32.dll              BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $80c:
77398403 KERNELBASE.dll            WaitForSingleObjectEx
7739835d KERNELBASE.dll            WaitForSingleObject
0047bc65 RecorderApp.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
0047c393 RecorderApp.exe madExcept UserWorkItemExceptFrame
765c0417 KERNEL32.dll             

In addition when I try to open directly from the exe file I get an "updating files" message for a few seconds


Re: Recorder crashing before opening

Something has happened to your registry entries,  or most likely to your access to the folders. This can happens when security is tightened.   I doubt if R6 is the cause. Get IT to check in the registry   HKey_Current_User\software\dorset softwar\Recorder 6\Settings. In the will be the Error Path. This should be set to a folder where you have both read and write permissions. Very often when one path is wrong or there is no access, then others are wrong as well, so it woudl be be adviseable for IT  to check that all the paths look reasonable and you have access to them. If R6 can't access the files as specified in the registry it will try to find them in the default locations, which  is why you are getting the message updating files. If R6 is working for another user they can compare the regsitry entries.

Mike Weideli


Re: Recorder crashing before opening
