1 (edited by charliebarnes 16-01-2023 09:53:11)

Topic: Political boundaries wrong

I may be missing something, but the GB political boundaries for this (my!) record are wrong, but the England ones are okay?

https://records.nbnatlas.org/occurrence … ffb0d20597

(Interestingly I got this record by filtering to the correct - Lincolnshire - vice-county boundary?)

Charlie Barnes
Information Officer
Greater Lincolnshire Nature Partnership


Re: Political boundaries wrong

Hi Charlie,

The GB boundaries are showing as:

West Lindsey District
North Lincolnshire

I think those are correct - was it showing something different when you looked at it? Any difference might be because the record index was being changed but I have also occasionally seen incorrect boundaries and never been able to recreate it.

Best wishes, Sophie


Re: Political boundaries wrong

Ooo that's spooky! Yes, they are correct now (would have helped if I had said 'how' they were wrong ....). If I notice it again, I'll report it if they - they were Scotland so way out, but no obvious reason why.

Charlie Barnes
Information Officer
Greater Lincolnshire Nature Partnership


Re: Political boundaries wrong

Just thinking more about this - I came across the record via an email alert for new records, which would tie in with the idea that the record index was being updated?

Charlie Barnes
Information Officer
Greater Lincolnshire Nature Partnership


Re: Political boundaries wrong

Thanks Charlie, that gives Helen a bit more to investigate.