Topic: Measurements in Report Wizard

I would like to be able to report on the 'measurements' field using the report wizard.
Our bat group is about to move to Recorder and this is where all their roost details will be held.

At the moment I don't see how they could report on these, unless this is a bug we alone are enjoying?
Please see attached screenshot showing the Report Wizard's lack of options for this....

Thanks, with best wishes,
Lizzy Peat

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report wizard measurements.jpg 161.83 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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Lizzy Peat


Re: Measurements in Report Wizard

Looks like a bug just for you Lizzy, we can see lots of measurement fields (see attached).


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Report wizard measurements - GiGL.jpg 63.07 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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Andy Foy
Systems Manager
Greenspace Information for Greater London (GiGL) CIC


Re: Measurements in Report Wizard

It looks like the report wizard displays the measurement options that are actually present in your database, so the screen print I attached will be unique to GiGL.

Do you have any measure qualifiers and types?

Andy Foy
Systems Manager
Greenspace Information for Greater London (GiGL) CIC


Re: Measurements in Report Wizard


Attached is a user report that should list all measurement types and qualifiers in your database for each data type that support measurements (location, sample, taxon, biotope).


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GiGL_MeasurementTypesQualifiers.xml 1.1 kb, 3 downloads since 2022-07-25 

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Andy Foy
Systems Manager
Greenspace Information for Greater London (GiGL) CIC

5 (edited by Lizzy Peat 25-07-2022 13:16:03)

Re: Measurements in Report Wizard

Thanks Andy, yes we have lots- see attachment for a small sample of the 'Measurement Qualifier' fields we have under 'Abundance'

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Measurement Qualifier.jpg 45.21 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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Lizzy Peat


Re: Measurements in Report Wizard

Hi Lizzy

Interesting - looks like a bug in R6. Try running the XML report, just to double-check it shows the same results (not that I'd know how to then proceed either way but it might give Mike W an idea if he is able to investigate it). You'll find the report under "GiGL -> Measurement types and Qualifiers".


Andy Foy
Systems Manager
Greenspace Information for Greater London (GiGL) CIC


Re: Measurements in Report Wizard

Is the context correctly set for the measurement_type? Ie on the attached is this checkbox ticked?

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Capture.JPG 53.21 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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Charlie Barnes
Information Officer
Greater Lincolnshire Nature Partnership


Re: Measurements in Report Wizard

Thanks for the reply Charles, yes it is.
Andy, we are missing this XML report you mention, are you able to send the xml file to us please?
Also, are you able to move this thread into 'bug reports', or should I create a new post there?
Thank you.

Lizzy Peat


Re: Measurements in Report Wizard

Hi Lizzy

I've moved this thread into the troubleshooting and bug reports section as you requested.

The XML report I mentioned "GiGL_MeasurementTypesQualifiers.xml" is attached to an earlier reply from me in this thread on 25-07-2022.


Andy Foy
Systems Manager
Greenspace Information for Greater London (GiGL) CIC

10 (edited by Lizzy Peat 03-03-2023 12:39:32)

Re: Measurements in Report Wizard

Here is the output from GiGL's XML.
What can we do?

Thank you,
Lizzy Peat HBIC

Post's attachments

Measurement types and Qualifiers in Recorder, using GiGLs XML.xlsx 9.82 kb, 1 downloads since 2023-03-03 

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Lizzy Peat


Re: Measurements in Report Wizard

Hi Lizzie

Interestingly your results show that the context for taxons and biotopes are "Taxon Occurrence" and "Biotope Occurrence" when ours are simply "Taxon" and "Biotope". If I change the "CONTEXT_NAME" value in the "MEASUREMENT_CONTEXT" table in the R6 database from "Taxon" to "Taxon Occurrence" to match the same value you have, then we get the same result as you in the report wizard, i.e. no measurement types appear.

So I suggest you try changing the "CONTEXT_NAME" value in the "MEASUREMENT_CONTEXT" table from "Taxon Occurrence" to "Taxon" and "Biotope Occurrence" to "Biotope" and see what happens (I don't know if there is a way to change these values using the R6 user interface, I just edited them using the linked Access database). I've no idea why yours would be any different but it's worth a try.


Andy Foy
Systems Manager
Greenspace Information for Greater London (GiGL) CIC


Re: Measurements in Report Wizard

Thanks Andy- Fixed! Wonderful.

Lizzy Peat