The attached shows another example - data from the taxon occurrence comment column is being put into the species matching screen. Looking at the #Species table, this looks genuine - ie the field "Species_Name" has values of "SM4 recording in mid spring" and "SM4 recording in mid summer". However in the #Master table, these values are in the field "SYSTEM0100000006" which I believe is correct (it's the Taxon Occurrence Comment field not the Species field?).
Going backwards in the import wizard, setting the comment column to ignore and then proceeding works as expected. Going backwards a second time and setting the comment column back to taxon occurrence comment and proceeding also works fine.
I'm stabbing at the dark, looking behind the scenes with the import wizard so if anyone who knows better wants me to look at anything specific, let me know!
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Charlie Barnes
Information Officer
Greater Lincolnshire Nature Partnership