1 (edited by Roisin.TWIC 18-11-2021 16:59:36)

Topic: Import Rejects

Hi All,

We have been getting the same error in the last 2 imports (different datasets with no relation to each other):

In a text document called "Import Rejects" inside the folder of the files that were imported it was written:

Items rejected by Recorder 6 in data imported at 14-27-45 on 18/11/2021:

On R6 survey, taxon name, abundance, recorder, determination for the affected records look completely fine, so I am not sure what is happening and if anything needs to be investigated.

Recorder version is 6.30 and last dictionary update is ....50
Did anybody have a similar issue?


Re: Import Rejects

Hi Claudia

Looking in our R6 Errors folder we also get the same results in the ImportRejects.txt file. I'm not sure if there was any associated error messages during the import - I've asked my colleagues that do the imports so I'll report back. So hopefully this is just some debugging output rather than a real error.

Just curious, because we are on the same version and dictionary update as you, do you get the same number of Taxon records expected for that dictionary version when you run the report "System Supplied -> Dictionary -> Dic2-Statistics(2020)" (i.e. 317,721) as we have 2 Taxon records less for some reason.


Andy Foy
Systems Manager
Greenspace Information for Greater London (GiGL) CIC


Re: Import Rejects

I  don't think this will be dictionary related. First I  suggest you run Update Last Key. Sometimes the last key table can get out of step. The other thing which can  cause this is that the database is running out of disk space.

Mike Weideli


Re: Import Rejects

Hi Mike

It's definitely not our database running out of space. I've run Update Last Key and it did update 5 tables so perhaps it was that. But we've done other imports since that import error file was generated and it hasn't been updated/overwritten. For info, the import error file was created when importing records from another R6 database using the NBN format rather than from a spreadsheet/CSV file - I don't know if that makes any difference to anything,


PS I wasn't implying it was a dictionary thing ... I was just curious if Claudia got the same (wrong) number of taxon records after upgrading to dictionary 50 as we did.

Andy Foy
Systems Manager
Greenspace Information for Greater London (GiGL) CIC