Topic: New feature - Overview and download tab

For our users downloading records, we have added a new mandatory ‘overview and download tab’, adjacent to ‘charts’ on the Occurrence Records web page which prompts users to check their data requirements first before downloading.  Users can now exclude or include absence, dead, unverified, fossil and CC-BY-NC licenced records as required.
If you have excluded any records you wish to download by mistake, you can easily include them again by deselecting the filtered records under the ‘Narrow Your Results’ section, or at the top of the Occurrence Records page. 
There are no changes to the download section, but the ‘Download’ button is now located at the bottom right of the overview section and will take you to the download page.
The purpose of the change is to ensure users do not use CC-BY-NC licenced records for commercial purposes and to provide clarity around the types of records being downloaded.