Topic: Problem uploading a zipped shapefile to warehouse
I'm trying to upload a simple zipped shapefile into the Locations page of the warehouse. I am getting this error:
There was an SQL error: ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "" LINE 5: AND "locations"."location_type_id" = '' ^ - SELECT "locations"."id" FROM locations WHERE "locations"."public" = 'true' AND "locations"."name" = 'Etosha National Park' AND "locations"."location_type_id" = '' AND "locations"."deleted" = 'false'
The dropdown list to enter Location Type does not have any options available and I assume this may be the problem. (If I try the option to manually add a New Location, it does have options: City, Site, Town etc.)
This used to work - I have a previously uploaded shapefile (of type Site) listed.
Any ideas why it won't work now and how to fix it?