Re: Submitting records with regular updates - Date entered?


We have partners that are expecting GIS layers of rare species submitted to them regularly.

I would like to run regular 'additional' exports to keep them up to date rather than replacing the entire dataset which will just get bigger with time.

I would aim to use the .shp export from the report wizard to create the dataset.

However, there is no option to request records entered or changed after a certain date, and no chance of incorporating those fields in the output for subsequent filtering.

These options are kind of avaialble through the Export filters but that output is only NBN format.


Am I missing anything? Will I have to build an XML report to do this?

Thanks in advance


Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre
Tullie House Museum


Re: Submitting records with regular updates - Date entered?

The attributes available in the report wizard are controlled via the USABLE_TABLE, USABLE_FIELD, REPORT_ATTRIBUTE, etc. tables in the database. You can modify these to include extra attributes, e.g. ENTRY_DATE and CHANGED_DATE from TAXON_OCCURRENCE. There were elementary instructions for doing this on the Wiki but the link to that is still not working. Perhaps someone at JNCC could let us know when it will be available again.

Sally Rankin, JNCC Recorder Approved Expert
E-mail: s.rankin@btinternet.com
Telephone: 01491 578633
Mobile: 07941 207687


Re: Submitting records with regular updates - Date entered?

As regards the WIKI we are just in the process of letting a contract to get this sorted out - I dont think it should take too long.


Re: Submitting records with regular updates - Date entered?

What we do is export whole datasets rather than just updates, and tell our partners to delete their old versions. This works well for our inventories which contain only a limited amount of data, but wouldn't be practical for the whole database.

Charles Roper
Digital Development Manager | Field Studies Council
http://www.field-studies-council.org | https://twitter.com/charlesroper | https://twitter.com/fsc_digital


Re: Submitting records with regular updates - Date entered?

Thank you for those.
Ill have a dig - but that Wiki link would be useful.


Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre
Tullie House Museum