Topic: Problems finding a dataset

Something appears to have gone wrong with the Data Resource page at /public/showDataResource/dr731 which is bookmarked and has always worked up to now.
While logged in, this always showed the metadata of the BDS dataset, with a total number of records in a large font to the right and links below including 'View records'. Clicking either of these led to the Records Explorer. Today the links fail to appear, both from the above URL and from /public/show/dr731

Additionally, the link in the text Visit the data resource's website fails because it prepends NBN's own site to the target to create registry.nbnatlas.org/public/showDataResource/www.british-dragonflies.org.uk
whereas the similar link in the text on the Data Provider page works correctly.

David Hepper
Records Officer, British Dragonfly Society


Re: Problems finding a dataset

Hi David.

We are experiencing a few issues at the moment. Please accept my apologies. We are investigating and we will come back to you as soon as we can.

Many thanks