Topic: trouble importing a shapefile in order to run the report wizard
I am having problems with trying to do what I was told was a very simple thing? Firstly we are on a virtual Recorder 6 so it is not loaded on our PC's. I have the shapefile/s generated from GIS and I try to add it to the base map without assigning a location, first error message appears ( a small rectangle with a circle with i in the middle and a dash to the right?) I shall try to add a photo. It will not add the shapefile without associating it with a location so I played with it for a while and finally got the buffer boundary to appear but it looks like Recorder cant see it!!! When I try to run the report wizard using a polygon I get "an essential sheet cannot be found in the current map dataset". I also get "invalid sheet type" and error 29!
As you can probably guess I am not very software savvy nor am I technical wizard so if someone has any idea what I have done wrong can you point me in the right direction.
Many thanks,