Topic: Recorder 6 - generate rucksack v6.22

I have Rucksack generator v6.22 installed. Why does this not work if the Taxon Name includes the Authority?

Bob Marsh
Doncaster LRC
Coleoptera recorder for YNU


Re: Recorder 6 - generate rucksack v6.22


Needs a bit of investigation. I havedn't worked on it for a long time. A quick look at the code suggests that although it still works, it could do with a bit of an overhaul.

Mike Weideli


Re: Recorder 6 - generate rucksack v6.22

Hi Mike - further info on this at the risk of confusion - I've got R6 v 6.29 installed, with version 6.22 of the Rucksack generator. I want to run a Recorder report on species for which I only have a single record (and my plan was to use the Rucksack Generator). I can list these in a csv file by extracting output from my VC Extract Report which I use for generating a county checklist. If the TaxonName contains the Authority for the species the Rucksack generator doesn't work. If I remove the Authority from a couple of species and run the Rucksack generator, then the Rucksack Generator works. I wouldn't mind doing this for half a dozen species names but I have over 400 to deal with.

Bob Marsh
Doncaster LRC
Coleoptera recorder for YNU


Re: Recorder 6 - generate rucksack v6.22


This will be the case as the Addin is trying to match to the Taxon_Name alone. The Authority is in a different  field which is why there is a problem. The way the Addin works looks a bit dated now in the way it selects the TLI keys. If a name exist with various attributes and Authorities then then it might choose the wrong one. Also will not handle species names with sub-genus. Ideally needs  needs to be updated to take into account the above, however, it should still be useful, but the results need checking, by examing the log file. It might also be useful to have an xml report whcih shows exactky what is in the Rucksack.

Mike Weideli


Re: Recorder 6 - generate rucksack v6.22

Thanks Mike - probably gone as far as we can with this as things stand - but I would welcome an updated Rucksack Generator Add-In that could cope with the present problem - perhaps put on the list for future modification? Would still like a report which will give species records for which there are only single records in the database.

Bob Marsh
Doncaster LRC
Coleoptera recorder for YNU


Re: Recorder 6 - generate rucksack v6.22

Hi Mike - I think I have got around the problem for the time being - I've used Craig's report which I've just come across - see post at - https://forums.nbn.org.uk/viewtopic.php?id=7484
This gives me all records with first and last date so I can select species (without the Authority) with only one record in database - I can spreadsheet and select single occurrences.


Bob Marsh
Doncaster LRC
Coleoptera recorder for YNU