Topic: NBN Record Cleaner and Windows 10

Can anyone let me know their experiences of installing NBN Record Cleaner when using Windows 10?  We've just heard that IT are going to rollout Windows 10 to the computers in the Council imminently so it would be really useful to hear from others.


Lindsay Bamforth
Fife Nature Records Centre,
Information Officer


Re: NBN Record Cleaner and Windows 10

Hi Lindsay,
Record Cleaner should be installed on Windows 10 while logged on as an administrator for it to work correctly. I think it should be run as an administrator as well, if possible.

I have a update for the species dictionary (master species list) for Record Cleaner, which is the same version as currently on the NBN Atlas. I am doing some final checks, as it's the first time that we have updated Record Cleaner, and I'll make the update available next week.

Thanks, Sophie


Re: NBN Record Cleaner and Windows 10

Thanks Sophie :)  We're on Windows 7 and it sounds similar to getting it working on this system.  We'll just have to get IT to re-install for us for the right permissions to be available, so hopefully they'll be amenable!

Good luck with final checks for the species dictionary update :)


Lindsay Bamforth
Fife Nature Records Centre,
Information Officer