Re: NBN data exchange format

I was wondering if there is any software/package avail that users can use to tranfer their simple excel data files into NBN data exchange format and submit to NBN. As not all recorders know about xml and tagging metadata in xml tags as specified in NBN data exchange format. And also is it must to submit data in that format or users can submit data in any format?

2 (edited by Darwyn Sumner (LERC) 14-08-2008 09:38:18)

Re: NBN data exchange format

There is a published exchange format. Andy Brewer and I used it several years ago when Leicestershire ERC was the first LRC to bung datasets onto the NBN Gateway.
Andy devised it and I set up my data to match his specifications. Some of the older datasets on the Gateway (e.g. Bryophytes I think) were submitted in that format.
Tim Corner of BRERC (an LRC that now has ALL of its records on NBN Gateway) uses a custom database for his records and will therefore be using a current version of the exchange format.
Andy will have revised the format since my early attempts so I suggest you contact him or Graham French for an updated version.
Best of luck.


Re: NBN data exchange format

Hi there,
We import all datasets onto the Gateway from the NBN Exchange Format now. Unfortunately, we don't have a package that can automatically transform an Excel file into this format yet (though we are developing one). However, we can provide help - particularly with the trickier bits such as matching taxon version keys (species codes).
Including metadata as an XML header is optional. It was designed for automated export from recording packages and databases. For most data providers, the metadata form is more appropriate. It sounds like you are aware of the data provider pack here:
We'll email you today to get the ball rolling ...
Best wishes,