Topic: Using Recorder 6 outside the UK
How much interest is there in this?
Mike Weideli tells me that there are some, I used it for work which finished up as a brief presentation at the NFBR conference "Think globally, record locally effective biological recording at the scale needed" and of course there's the German version of R6.
Issues relating to R6 usage outside the UK were not covered by the recent survey so if you do use it in this way please reply to this thread.
Here's a handful of notes and observations:
1. There's been an increasing trend towards providing georeferenced locations to species occurrences in papers published by European authors in recent years.
2. Recorder 6 handles the location hierarchy well, just flip from OSGR to Lat/Long and perhaps augment with Google Earth searches.
3. Simply output a report with lat/long columns to a csv and you've got your European distribution in QGIS
4. Non-UK species dictionaries are slightly problematic but feasible
5. No basic outline map for Europe in R6
If the Recorder 6 consortium are to develop it in the future then it would be handy to know if it's not just me. One or two small tweaks and it could be sold abroad.