Topic: GBIF and NBN Newsletter item

Readers of the item on GBIF in the September 2017 NBN Newsletter (https://nbn.org.uk/news/update-nbn-atla … ntry-gbif/) may find the following article of interest
Schwanghart W. 2013. Spatial bias in the GBIF database and its effect on modeling species geographic distributions. . (January 2013)

It's useful to be able to place the UK's efforts into context worldwide. It calls us a "well-financed data-sharing country" - news to me. It still emphasises museums and collections as the major source of species occurrences. Naturalists in other countries don't seem to contribute like we do, maybe that's why we're number 2. 
The US is number 1 but bear in mind that only 8.1% of the records on GBIF were georeferenced species occurrences in 2009, I'm guessing it's much more now due to the UK (see Chavan VS, Ingwersen P. 2009. Towards a data publishing framework for primary biodiversity data: challenges and potentials for the biodiversity informatics community. BMC Bioinformatics & Gaiji S, Chavan V, Ariño AH, Otegui J, Hobern D, et al. 2013. Content Assessment of the Primary Biodiversity Data Published Through GBIF Network : Status , Challenges and Potentials. Biodivers. Informatics. 8(August 2012):94–172)

For those interested in finding items like this, I was notified of the article via Mendeley based on my library of titles and I can obtain the full article on ResearchGate because the author kindly uploaded it there.


Re: GBIF and NBN Newsletter item

Hi Darwyn, i've just seen this (and that we got a mention) and was impressed by the use of DOI's in particular. Being able to track use in peer-reviewed research in this way is a real motivation for recorders (and for me!). One of the questions i get asked the most is what do you do with my/our records. This will begin to go some way to addressing that. I hope ultimately that a similar practice could be applied to all uses of data. Indeed, it should at least be best practice to fully cite your data!

Natural History & Biodiversity Data Enthusiast