Topic: MySQL Generated Columns OSGB to WGS84
Hi. Does anyone have experience of converting OS grid refs to lat/long using MySQL generated columns functionality? Or is this a foolish thing to attempt? :-)
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Hi. Does anyone have experience of converting OS grid refs to lat/long using MySQL generated columns functionality? Or is this a foolish thing to attempt? :-)
Don't know about my SQL, but there are both SQL Server (in R6 database) and Ms Access function which can do this. Depends though if the Lat/Long you need is WSG84 or OSGB 36.
Hi Mike. I have the same problem lots of people must have had displaying OS grid ref points on Google Maps from a database.
Our OS grid refs are stored in 4 or 6 digit format i.e. SZ0791 or SZ073918.
I know there are client-side JavaScript solutions for point conversion but would prefer to let the database do the processing and store lat/long columns if that's possible.
I believe MySQL only fairly recently introduced 'generated columns' in release 5.7.
Perhaps someone else can help with this as I don't know a lot about MySQl. R6 holds lat/longs in OSGB36 format. R6 has functions in Transact SQL which can convert to WSG84 and there are vb scripts in MS Access available.
Thanks Mike. Assuming they're open source do you have a link to the relevant SQL functions?
Two UDF below. First converts to WGS84 LL given OS grid refs Eastings and Northings. Second works out Eastings and Northings from a OSGb grid ref.
/****** Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[LCOSGTBENtoWGS84LL] Script Date: 07/17/2017 12:21:49 ******/
Description: Function to return a WGS84 Lat or Long given a UK E/N
if not valid returns null
@Eastings - UK Eastings in m.
@Northings - UK Northing in
@isLat if 1 returns Lat if 0 then Long
Returns Lat or Long
Created: October 2015
Author: MikeWeideli
\*=========================================================================== */
(@Eastings float, @Northings float, @iSLat bit )
Returns float
declare @a float
declare @b float
declare @F0 float
declare @lat0 float
declare @lon0 float
declare @N0 float
declare @E0 float
declare @e2 float
declare @lat float
declare @M float
declare @M1 float
declare @M2 float
declare @M3 float
declare @M4 float
declare @nu float
declare @rho float
declare @eta2 float
declare @seclat float
declare @VII float
declare @VIII float
declare @IX float
declare @X float
declare @XI float
declare @XII float
declare @XIIA float
declare @dE float
declare @lat_1 float
declare @lon_1 float
declare @H float
declare @x_1 float
declare @y_1 float
declare @z_1 float
declare @s float
declare @tx float
declare @ty float
declare @tz float
declare @rxs float
declare @rys float
declare @rzs float
declare @rx float
declare @ry float
declare @rz float
declare @x_2 float
declare @y_2 float
declare @z_2 float
declare @a_2 float
declare @b_2 float
declare @e2_2 float
declare @p float
declare @temp1 float
declare @temp2 float
declare @nu_2 float
declare @LatOld float
declare @Lon float
declare @Long float
declare @Returnvalue float
declare @n float
declare @check float
declare @PI float
set @PI = 3.14159265358979
set @a = 6377563.396
set @b = 6356256.909
set @F0 = 0.9996012717
set @lat0 = 49*@PI/180
set @lon0 = -2*@PI/180
set @N0 = -100000
Set @E0 = 400000
Set @e2 = 1 - (@b*@b)/(@a*@a)
Set @n = (@a-@b)/(@a+@b);
set @lat = @lat0;
set @M = 0;
while (@Northings-@N0-@M >= 0.00001)
set @lat = (@Northings-@N0-@M)/(@a*@F0) + @lat
set @M1 = (1 + @n + (5./4)* power(@n,2) + (5/4)*power(@n,3)) * (@lat-@lat0);
set @M2 = (3*@n + 3*power(@n,2) + (21/8)*power(@n,3)) * sin(@lat-@lat0) * cos(@lat+@lat0);
set @M3 = ((15./8)*power(@n,2) + (15/8)*power(@n,3)) * sin(2*(@lat-@lat0)) * cos(2*(@lat+@lat0));
set @M4 = (35./24)*power(@n,3) * sin(3*(@lat-@lat0)) * cos(3*(@lat+@lat0));
set @M = @b * @F0 * (@M1 - @M2 + @M3 - @M4) ;
Set @nu = @a*@F0/sqrt(1-@e2*power(sin(@lat),2));
set @rho = @a*@F0*(1-@e2)*power((1-@e2*power(sin(@lat),2)),(-1.5));
set @eta2 = @nu/@rho-1
set @secLat = 1./cos(@lat);
set @VII = tan(@lat)/(2*@rho*@nu);
set @VIII = tan(@lat)/(24*@rho*power(@nu,3))*(5+3*power(tan(@lat),2)+@eta2-9*power(tan(@lat),2)*@eta2);
set @IX = tan(@lat)/(720*@rho*power(@nu,5))*(61+90*power(tan(@lat),2)+45*power(tan(@lat),4));
set @X = @secLat/@nu;
set @XI = @secLat/(6*power(@nu,3))*(@nu/@rho+2*power(tan(@lat),2));
set @XII = @secLat/(120*power(@nu,5))*(5+28*power(tan(@lat),2)+24*power(tan(@lat),4));
set @XIIA = @secLat/(5040*power(@nu,7))*(61+662*power(tan(@lat),2)+1320*power(tan(@lat),4)+720*power(tan(@lat),6));
set @dE = @Eastings-@E0;
set @lat_1 = @lat - @VII*power(@dE,2) + @VIII*power(@dE,4) - @IX*power(@dE,6);
set @lon_1 = @lon0 + @X*@dE - @XI*power(@dE,3) + @XII*power(@dE,5) - @XIIA*power(@dE,7);
set @H = 0
set @x_1 = (@nu/@F0 + @H)*cos(@lat_1)*cos(@lon_1);
set @y_1 = (@nu/@F0+ @H)*cos(@lat_1)*sin(@lon_1);
set @z_1 = ((1-@e2)*@nu/@F0 +@H)*sin(@lat_1);
set @s = -20.4894*power(10,-6)
set @tx = 446.448
set @ty = -125.157
set @tz = 542.060
set @rxs = 0.1502
set @rys = 0.2470
set @rzs = 0.8421
set @rx = @rxs*@PI/(180*3600)
set @ry= @rys*@PI/(180*3600)
set @rz = @rzs*@PI/(180*3600)
set @x_2 = @tx + (1+@s)*@x_1 + (-@rz)*@y_1 + (@ry)*@z_1;
set @y_2 = @ty + (@rz)*@x_1 + (1+@s)*@y_1 + (-@rx)*@z_1;
set @z_2 = @tz + (-@ry)*@x_1 + (@rx)*@y_1 + (1+@s)*@z_1;
set @a_2 = 6378137.000
set @b_2 = 6356752.3141
set @e2_2 = 1- (@b_2*@b_2)/(@a_2*@a_2)
set @p = sqrt(power(@x_2,2) + power(@y_2,2));
set @lat = atn2(@z_2,(@p*(1-@e2_2)))
set @latold = 2*@PI;
while (abs(@lat - @latold)>power(10,-16))
set @temp1 = @lat
set @temp2 = @latold
set @latold = @temp1
set @lat = @temp2
set @lat = @latold
set @latold = @lat
set @nu_2 = @a_2/sqrt(1-@e2_2*power(sin(@latold),2));
set @lat = atn2(@z_2+@e2_2*@nu_2*sin(@latold), @p);
set @lon = atn2(@y_2,@x_2);
set @H = @p/cos(@lat) - @nu_2;
set @lat = @lat*180/@PI;
set @lon = @lon*180/@PI;
If @isLat = 1
set @ReturnValue = @lat
set @ReturnValue = @lon
RETURN @ReturnValue
/****** Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[LCOSGBLLToOSGBEN] Script Date: 07/17/2017 12:27:07 ******/
Description: Function to return an OSGB Eastings or Northings from a OSGB Lat/Long
if not valid returns ''
@Latitude - latitude in decimal format
@Longitude in decimal format
@Separator text
@Output 1 = Eastings 2 = Northings 3 = Eastings/Separator/Northings
Created: Nov 2014
Author: MikeWeideli
\*=========================================================================== */
(@Latitude float, @Longitude float, @Separator char(1),@Output integer)
RETURNS varchar(20)
Declare @LatW float
Declare @LonW float
Declare @a float
Declare @b float
Declare @f float
Declare @lat0 float
Declare @lon0 float
Declare @n0 float
Declare @e float
Declare @e2 float
Declare @n float
Declare @n2 float
Declare @n3 float
Declare @CosLat float
Declare @SinLat float
Declare @Nu float
Declare @eSq float
Declare @rho float
Declare @eta2 float
Declare @FiveFour float
Declare @FifteenEight float
Declare @TwentyoneEight float
Declare @ThirtyFiveTwentyFour float
Declare @M float
Declare @ma float
Declare @mb float
Declare @mc float
Declare @md float
Declare @lattrueorigin float
Declare @longtrueorigin float
Declare @cos3Lat float
Declare @cos5Lat float
Declare @Tan2Lat float
Declare @Tan4Lat float
Declare @I float
Declare @II float
Declare @III float
Declare @IIIa float
Declare @IV float
Declare @V float
Declare @VI float
Declare @DLon float
Declare @DLat float
Declare @DLon2 float
Declare @DLon3 float
Declare @DLon4 float
Declare @DLon5 float
Declare @DLon6 float
Declare @Northings float
Declare @Eastings float
Declare @Two float
Declare @TwentyFour float
Declare @SevenTwoZero float
Declare @OneTwoZero float
Declare @EastingsInt Integer
Declare @NorthingsInt Integer
Declare @Result varchar(20)
If @Latitude is not null and @Longitude is not null
If @Latitude = 0 set @Latitude = .0000001
set @Lattrueorigin = 49
set @Longtrueorigin = -2
set @a = 6377563.396
set @b = 6356256.908
set @f = 0.9996012717
set @lat0 = radians(@Lattrueorigin)
set @lon0 = radians(@Longtrueorigin)
set @latw = radians(@Latitude)
set @lonw = radians(@Longitude)
set @n0 = -100000
set @e = 400000
set @e2 = 1 -(@b*@b)/ (@a*@a)
set @n = (@a-@b) /(@a+@b)
set @n2 = @n*@n
set @n3 = @n*@n*@n
set @CosLat = cos(@latW)
set @SinLat = sin(@latW)
Set @Nu = @A*@f / sqrt(1-@e2 * @sinLat * @sinlat)
set @rho = @A*@f*(1-@e2) /((1-@e2 * @sinlat) * Power(@sinlat , 1.5))
set @eta2 = @Nu/@rho -1
set @FiveFour = 1.25
set @FifteenEight = 1.875
set @TwentyOneEight = 2.625
Set @ThirtyFiveTwentyFour = 1.45833333333333
set @Two = 2
set @TwentyFour = 24
set @SevenTwoZero = 720
set @OneTwoZero = 120
set @Ma = (1 + @N + (@FiveFour * @n2) + (@FiveFour * @N3)) * (@latw - @lat0)
set @Mb = ((3 * @N) + (3 * @N2) + (@TwentyOneEight * @N3)) * Sin(@latw - @lat0) * Cos(@latw + @lat0)
set @Mc = ((@Fifteeneight * @N2) + (@Fifteeneight * @N3)) * Sin(2 * (@latw - @lat0)) * Cos(2 * (@latw + @lat0))
set @Md = @ThirtyFiveTwentyFour * @N3 * Sin(3 * (@latw - @lat0)) * Cos(3 * (@latw + @lat0))
set @M = @b * @F * (@Ma - @Mb + @Mc - @Md)
set @Cos3lat = @Coslat * @Coslat * @Coslat
set @Cos5lat = @Cos3lat * @Coslat * @Coslat
set @tan2lat = tan(@latw) * tan(@latw)
set @tan4Lat = @tan2lat * @tan2lat
set @I = @M + @N0
set @II = (@Nu / @two) * @SinLat * @Coslat
set @III = (@Nu / @twentyFour) * @SinLat * @Cos3lat * (5 - @tan2lat + 9 * @Eta2)
set @IIIA = (@Nu / @SevenTwoZero) * @SinLat * @Cos5lat * (61 - 58 * @tan2lat + @tan4Lat)
set @IV = @Nu * @Coslat
set @V = (@Nu / 6) * @Cos3lat * (@Nu / @rho - @tan2lat)
set @VI = (@Nu / @OneTwoZero) * @Cos5lat * (5 - 18 * @tan2lat + @tan4Lat + 14 * @Eta2 - 58 * @tan2lat * @Eta2)
set @DLon = @lonw - @lon0
set @DLon2 = @DLon * @DLon
set @DLon3 = @DLon2 * @DLon
set @DLon4 = @DLon3 * @DLon
set @DLon5 = @DLon4 * @DLon
set @DLon6 = @DLon5 * @DLon
set @Northings = @I + @II * @DLon2 + @III * @DLon4 + @IIIA * @DLon6
set @Eastings = @E + @IV * @DLon + @V * @DLon3 + @VI * @DLon5
set @EastingsInt = ceiling(@Eastings)
set @NorthingsInt = ceiling(@Northings)
if @Output = 2
set @result = cast(@NorthingsInt as varchar(10))
else if @output = 1
set @result = cast(@EastingsInt as varchar(10))
set @result = cast(@EastingsInt as varchar(10)) + @Separator + cast(@NorthingsInt as varchar(10))
set @Result = ''
Return @Result
Many thanks Mike. If I find that unworkable with MySQL can you recommend a reliable PHP script as backup?
Perhaps people are already familiar with this PHP script:
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