Topic: Habitat and other spatial areas
It's getting harder to remember back, but I think there may have been more spatial layers that are on the Gateway than are on the Atlas.
It would be great to able to overlay habitat info in particular with records, and also to use the spatial analysis tools on the Atlas - although as the infrastructure already seems to be struggling a bit, is this still on the cards or will it overwhelm the system?
Are there any updates on what & when spatial layers may be coming? Ideally it would be great to have all the layers on the government's Magic map ( but perhaps there are licence issues. Or is it just something there hasn't been resource to do yet?
I also can't see a way to browse spatial layers that are there - dataset list seems to be either records or species lists.
Using the the general search on habitat ( does bring up spatial layers (but see below). As spatial layers are just another type of dataset that data providers supply, it would be helpful for these to be in the datasets section as well.
Searching for habitat implies that the priority habitat inventory is on the Atlas, but when you go to a map nothing appears unless I am missing something (
Teresa Frost | Wetland Bird Survey National Organiser | BTO
Other hat | National Forum for Biological Recording Council
(Old hats | NBN Board, ALERC Board, CBDC, KMBRC)