Topic: Metametadata
Information about information about a resource.
There have been a few mentions about metadata recently, notably
The species datasets in the NBN Atlas do not currently carry all the metadata that is supplied via the NBN Exchange format metadata forms but we are working on the format at the moment.
It seems there's an opportunity here to improve a little on the format we've used up until now and at the same time address the issues of Citation and other permanent references to an Atlas dataset and achieve a downloadable document to each dataset that could fulfil several requirements.
Connections between Darwin Core and metadata systems usually mention only the Dublin Core metadata standard, the really big all-purpose standard. What the NBN and Recorder developers went for back in the day was a specific geospatial standard, GEMINI and both were loosely based upon this.
GBIF however address the use of a metadata standard in the following document:
D R, Braak K, M D, Robertson T. 2011. Darwin Core Archive how-to guide. . (April):21 at
Worth studying as GBIF are dealing with the same issues as us.