Re: Upgrading from Recorder 6.10 to 6.13

We currently have the Recorder 6 Database intalled on a server runnning on a MSDE database.

The clients are all running 6.10

I have been asked to upgrader to 6.13 and also upgrade the Dictionary to v2.

I am a complete novice with the software and have only recently taken on responsibility for it.

i've tried to run the upgrades ton the server but it says recorder is not installed, am i right in thinking as the only thiong on the server is the database the upgraders are to each client.


Re: Upgrading from Recorder 6.10 to 6.13

Russ, you should run the upgrade from a workstation that Recorder is installed on (and has correct permissions, of course). This will upgrade not only the server, but also each workstation too (the files that the workstations use are housed on the server).

Charles Roper
Digital Development Manager | Field Studies Council
http://www.field-studies-council.org | https://twitter.com/charlesroper | https://twitter.com/fsc_digital