Topic: Format of "Identified by" and "Collector/Observer "

As an example consider https://records.nbnatlas.org/occurrence … dc9a0419cc

This gives 'Identified by' as 'Stuart Warrington' but the 'Collector/Observer' as 'Warrington, S. Stuart
Supplied as "Stuart Warrington"'.

Why two different formats for the two fields? I can't see that this helps anyone.

Is 'Warrington, S. Stuart' actually correct? I can see that 'Warrington, S. ' would be okay, as would, 'Warrington, Stuart' but 'Warrington, S. Stuart' suggests the original name was 'S. Stuart Warrington' doesn't it?



Re: Format of "Identified by" and "Collector/Observer "

'Warrington, S. Stuart' appears to be how the system stores/displays names. I agree - it's bizarre (I guess/hope it could be the result of concatenation of surname, initials and forename)

I'm not 100% sure, but there isn't a determiner column when you download records - so I'm not even sure that this is a parsed field - whereas collector I assume has been parsed.

Charlie Barnes
Information Officer
Greater Lincolnshire Nature Partnership


Re: Format of "Identified by" and "Collector/Observer "

We seem to be getting both an initial and a first name e.g. Johnson, C. Chris which should be either Chris Johnson, Johnson Chris or Johnson, C.

The name of the determiner (when release is agreed) is something which was not available on the Gateway and is a piece of information which some of us would fine useful. I know we have asked in the past, but with no response as yet.



Re: Format of "Identified by" and "Collector/Observer "

Thank you for the feedback. This has been raised as an issue to be investigated.
