1 (edited by josh 13-03-2017 11:43:50)

Topic: Open up indicia records for all verifiers

How do I open up our LRC indicia recording website for all verifiers on iRecord to have access to?

Which end do I do it from, iRecord or our website, and how?

Also, any advice on linking indicia recording pages to R6 using indicia2recorder? I've tried the advice on the help docs but am still getting a connection error.

Thanks in advance.


Re: Open up indicia records for all verifiers


If your recording website is submitting records to the same public warehouse that iRecord uses (warehouse1.indicia.org.uk) then you can enter in to a 'sharing agreement' with iRecord to make your records available for verification. You have to log in to the warehouse and go to the website administration section to configure sharing.  See http://indicia-docs.readthedocs.io/en/l … ments.html

I've no knowledge of indicia2recorder but I'd think a little more detail about the nature of the connection error would be needed for anyone to offer any constructive advice.

Jim Bacon.


Re: Open up indicia records for all verifiers

Jim Bacon wrote:


If your recording website is submitting records to the same public warehouse that iRecord uses (warehouse1.indicia.org.uk) then you can enter in to a 'sharing agreement' with iRecord to make your records available for verification. You have to log in to the warehouse and go to the website administration section to configure sharing.

And what if our data doesn't go to warehouse1.indicia.org.uk? We have recently signed a sharing agreement but it was only sent off last week.

My colleauge will start a seperate question regarding indicia2recorder.



Re: Open up indicia records for all verifiers

Hi Josh

If your data is not on the same Indicia warehouse as IRecord then the two warehouses would need some data exchange system to be set up so that they can talk to one another. I don't think this has been tried yet but I know a lot of work has been done on setting up an exchange with BTO and their system.

I'm not sure this is relevant in your case though so don't sweat.

When you say you have 'signed a sharing agreement' that is nothing like what I was talking about which was clicking a couple of checkboxes in the warehouse interface. If what you were signing was an agreement about using the Indicia warehouse that the Biological Records Centre provide then that will be the same warehouse that IRecord uses. In that case, the documentation I linked to previously should help to explain.

Jim Bacon


Re: Open up indicia records for all verifiers

My apologies Jim. "BRC Live Warehouse 1" is ticked under Administration > Configuration > IForm.

Is this the link where I can enter into the 'sharing agreement'? warehouse1.indicia.org.uk/index.php/login



Re: Open up indicia records for all verifiers

I know you've found this already but, for the record,
Find your website in the list and edit.
Go to the agreements tab and configure.

Jim Bacon.


Re: Open up indicia records for all verifiers

Thanks Jim.

For anyone who finds this post the solution to OUR query was under

Admin > Websites > WWBIC > Agreements > Join Website Agreement (if there isn't one already) > Tick box 'Provides data for verification'