Topic: Report - Generating ESRI File

The option exist to export a report as an ESRI shape file, together with the attributes. This option is only available if Sample Lat and Sample Long are included in the output. This applies both with the Report Wizard and XML reports.  The export will not work if any of the fields are of type char (or nvarchar). This means that with the Report Wizard you can not use any of the metadata fields (eg. Sample key).  With XML reports Cast should be used to convert  Char fields to varchar (eg. Cast(Sample_Key  as varchar)) This may also be necessary if a UDF is used which does not return a varchar. Including fields of an invalid data type as attributes file will prevent the file from loading into R6 or into  other applications.

The sample date field generated by the Report Wizard is a integer field  (vague_date_start). An additional field could be added to the report output to use the UDF to get the R6 vague date. However, this would need to be requested by a user.  For XML reports use the UDF Cast([dbo].[LCReturnVagueDateShort](), as varchar) to obtain the Recorder 6 vague date.

Mike Weideli