Topic: Getting Historic Environment Scotland sites onto the NBN

I've been asked by Historic Environment Scotland (HES) to look into getting their sites added to the NBN.

They have 325 sites, with their boundaries defined in an ESRI shape file, and I would anticipate a similar organisation - site structure for HES as that currently in place for the National Trust for Scotland.

This approach would greatly facilitate their statements of natural significance process, allowing the rapid identification of European Protected Species at their sites, and the construction of general site species lists as an aid to encouraging biodiversity.

Could you please let me know how I should proceed with this?

Best regards


Re: Getting Historic Environment Scotland sites onto the NBN

Hello Graham

Are you wishing to add the Historic Environment Scotland sites to the Atlas of Living Scotland or NBN Gateway?

If you want to add sites to the NBN Gateway a guide and metadata form for spatial datasets is provided in the NBN Data Provider pack, downloadable from a link on the page https://nbn.org.uk/record-share-explore … our-data/. The completed metadata form and ESRI shape file should be sent to data@nbn.org.uk.

Best wishes


Re: Getting Historic Environment Scotland sites onto the NBN

Thank you!  It's for the NBN, I'll check this out.

Best regards