Topic: Gateway non-functional again

I am starting a new thread to save people scrolling down the screed of posts in the previous one on this topic, but the message is the same.

The Gateway pages are not loading, and of course all the sites that link to Gateway maps are similarly compromised yet again.



Re: Gateway non-functional again

Connection to the Gateway very slow this morning and we have the pink squares again on the interactive maps.



Re: Gateway non-functional again

Connection very erractic, not currently working, although it was earlier today.



Re: Gateway non-functional again

Gateway site down - no connection at all.



Re: Gateway non-functional again

Connection restored and the interactive maps are working too.



Re: Gateway non-functional again

I had recently dared to hope that the problems might have been fixed, but once again the grid map fails to load.



Re: Gateway non-functional again

Appears to be down this morning?

Natural History & Biodiversity Data Enthusiast


Re: Gateway non-functional again

Scratch that, it's just being very slow.

Natural History & Biodiversity Data Enthusiast


Re: Gateway non-functional again

Once again, the site is tediously slow to the point of being unusable, and the maps are not loading at all.

Less than 3 years ago G5 was going to be the solution to all the problems of G4.  It has scarcely worked adequately for any complete week in that time, and now we are threatened with the absurd ALS to solve all the problems of G5.

Ain't technology just wonderful?



Re: Gateway non-functional again

And again today, glacially slow, and maps not loading.



Re: Gateway non-functional again

Down again.  On my first few attempts, the site failed to load 'data.nbn.org.uk’s DNS address could not be found'.

Then a few minutes later I get the taxon search page, but the maps don't load.

I know NBN is not developing G5, but we are not asking for 'development'.  What we (the folk who supply G5 with its raw material) want is a site that actually works at least a majority of the time.  Is that really too much to ask?

I note there is not a single response from any NBN staff in this thread (10 posts in nearly 2 months). Does no-one in NBN care?



Re: Gateway non-functional again

Very slow for me today

Charlie Barnes
Information Officer
Greater Lincolnshire Nature Partnership


Re: Gateway non-functional again

Can't get a connection to the Gateway site at all.
This is bad enough but to compound the problems the pages on the OHBR website which use Easy Maps are not loading either!
It is hardly good PR for NBN for cerain sections of our website to carry a health warning stating that certain pages won't work when the NBN Gateway is not functioning. I know there are problems with the servers which are uneconomical to fix, but the current situation is completely farcical if the replacement (Atlas project) is not going to be functional for another 6 months.


14 (edited by Syrphus 06-10-2016 07:15:39)

Re: Gateway non-functional again

Another day, another failure. The grid maps are loading (or were a couple of minutes ago), but I really want LA species lists.

The first worked fine.  5 minutes later I repeat the process with a different LA and the 'thinking' wheel, just like the wheels on the 'bus, goes round and round, seemingly forever.  At least for many minutes longer than I am prepared to put the rest of my life on hold.

And still no indication, here on the forum, of interest or concern from NBN.



Re: Gateway non-functional again

Murdo, Christine et al.  Please be assured that the NBN Secretariat do care, and we share your frustrations with the amount of downtime the NBN Gateway suffers which is one of the many reasons why we are moving away from the NBN Gateway to a new, and more stable platform.  As you know, the NBN Secretariat does not mange, or have any control over the NBN Gateway, however we are working very hard to ensure that the NBN Atlas is a suitable replacement for the NBN Gateway 5.

Thank you for your continued patience while we are developing the NBN Atlas.


Re: Gateway non-functional again

Thanks, Rachel.

You will be aware, however, that telling us that the NBN Atlas is your solution to G5 problems is in no way reassuring.



Re: Gateway non-functional again

Thank you Rachel.
We are aware of all the problems and NBN's commitment to resolve the situation by replacing Gateway 5 with ALS. I highlighted the problems associated with the use of Easy Maps to draw your attention to the fact that when the Gateway is not working the implications for some of us are wider than an inability to access data the directly from the Gateway website. For those of us who use Easy Maps the non-functionality of parts of our websites is causing embarrassment (i.e. in our an explanation to our grant providers as to why we are not fulfilling part of our obligations) and consequentially the necessity to rewrite the computer code on parts of the website to try and resolve the issues.
I hope that the ALS equivalent of Easy Maps is not going to involve us in further major coding rewrites and that the developers are aware how widely links to NBN maps are used.



Re: Gateway non-functional again

Once again, I find I cannot even get the grid maps to load.  Some of us (at the risk of being boringly repetitious, 'us' are the people without whom the Gateway/ALS would not exist) would prefer to see whatever limited IT skills you can call on directed at making the basic functions of G5 work predictably than playing around trying to turn the sow's ear of ALS into a silk purse.
