Topic: Network Install: Sharing a common set of Polygons

Hi all,

I've imported VCs, districts and local sites into Recorder6. However my colleague can't view any of them on her map. Having read around on this forum the latest post relating to this phenomena appears to be from Jan 2015 with no advice or solution offered other than a warning - importing the same polygons into a second copy might wipe all of the polygons on the first copy. We have five recorder6 workstations often used concurrently.

Any ideas please? I'm scared to try anything now for fear of losing the days of work already invested in importing and organising the polygon layers in the first copy.

Cheers and fingers crossed



Re: Network Install: Sharing a common set of Polygons

> Any ideas please?

Not what you want to hear, but don't. Even if you do manage to get it set up nicely, sooner or later you'll need to reset your maps and loose everything. We don't use Recorder's maps for anything but temporary polygons for searching against; it's just to unstable.

Have you seen this: http://forums.nbn.org.uk/viewtopic.php?id=1393 ?

Charlie Barnes
Information Officer
Greater Lincolnshire Nature Partnership


Re: Network Install: Sharing a common set of Polygons

Thanks Charlie,

Sad news but best to know up front. I can try to preserve what I have working for as long as possible now.




Re: Network Install: Sharing a common set of Polygons

Hi Paul, I think you can set the registry to look at boundary files only on the local machine as opposed to the shared folder which it seems to do by default? I vaguely recall this happening some years back when we actually had more than one member of staff...

Natural History & Biodiversity Data Enthusiast


Re: Network Install: Sharing a common set of Polygons

Yes - the integral mapping and use of polygons is the only disappointing aspect of Recorder - it works absolutely fine as long as you don't try to set up mapping and polygons on another workstation - I struggled years ago with this and gave up. I use the mapping very extensively for data search enquiries as corporate policy doesn't allow me to use GIS to its full advantage. There was talk some time ago about getting 1:25000 map tiles which would have been great but it came to nothing.

Bob Marsh
Doncaster LRC
Coleoptera recorder for YNU


Re: Network Install: Sharing a common set of Polygons

In a normal set up polygons should be shared by users. Normally only the background maps are held locally.  There is an explanation of how mapping works in the Network Installation Guid 5.1.  Quoting from this 

'Object Sheet folder (identified by registry value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Dorset Software\Recorder 6\Settings\Object Sheet File Path). This contains GIS system files shared by all users and should be stored on the file server in a network installation.'

' Note because the Map_Sheet table is shared between users, as is the Object Sheet folder, polygon layers are shared between users. In fact, when 2 users have the same base map open and one draws a new polygon, Recorder periodically checks for new polygons on the other client machine and they will automatically appear soon after they are drawn'.

Finding out why this isn't working on an installation can be complcated. However, a map reset or  atempting to install the polygons on each  work stations is likely to make things worse. 

The thing to check first is where the Base Map and Object sheets are being held for each user. The information is held  in HKey Current User/Dorset Software/Recorder 6/Setting (Base Map file path and  Object sheet file path).  The paths should be on to the server and be  the same for all worksations/users. It is essential that all users should be able to read/write to the Object sheet folder. Users who set up new base maps need to be able to read the data from the Base Map folder. 

Polygon layers are related to specific base maps, so the next problem is likely to be that the users are not sharing the same Base Map. Check first through Recorder 6 (Map Options) that all users have a base map of the same name. If there are differneces further investigation will require looking at the Computer Map table. This holds the key of the base maps for each workstation. All workstations should point to the same base map key(s). The Computer Map table is based on the computer_id of the workstation. If this changes for any reason then this will cause problems - do some setups  change the computer id depending on who is logged in ??   

On a more general note, the problem with mapping is that the polygons for a given polygon layer are all held in one file for that polygon layer. If this gets corrupted then it is impossible to retrieve any information for that polygon layer, because the files are in a proprietary format. The only way I know that this happens is importing a file which is not exactly in the format required by R6, but there may be other situation which cause the problem. If the default polygon layer is corrupted  then this will probably means that a reset will be required and all polygon information will be lost.  My advice would be never to use the default polygon layer. Create  new polygon layers to group imported polygons together and before importing a new polygon into an existing layer create a test layer and import it into that first, so that if there are any problems the layer can be deleted. Backing up the Object Sheet folder is also a good idea, especially before a reset. There is currently no way of restoring from a backup of the folder without doing some manual database changes, but it does at least provide some way back.

I appreciate that this is not a very satifactory situation and the way this works needs looking at,  so that there is a way of recovering should a file get corrupted. It is one of the things being considered for development this year. I would welcome any information on what the problems are and what may be causing them.

Mike Weideli


Re: Network Install: Sharing a common set of Polygons

Thanks for that very useful summary Mike.............

Bob Marsh
Doncaster LRC
Coleoptera recorder for YNU


Re: Network Install: Sharing a common set of Polygons

Hi Mike,

I've had a look at the Registry on our network setup......the Base Map Path points to ..\Recorder 6 Workstation\Base Maps\   and the Object Sheet File Path points to ....\dmbcrecorder6l\RecorderAppFiles\Object Sheet\    but as we only run with a single workstation it's not a problem and the mapping and polygons setup works fine. A problem might arise when I leave the job and hand over to another user, so your notes will be very useful.

Bob Marsh
Doncaster LRC
Coleoptera recorder for YNU