Topic: Warehouse Access

I recently tried to log into the warehouse while doing some work on our website and was prompted to change my password.
I followed the prompts and it appears a new account has been created with my admin email.

The new account does not have access to administrator privilege for my website so i'm now unable to administer our surveys and data.

Natural History & Biodiversity Data Enthusiast


Re: Warehouse Access


I don't know what is going on there. I haven't heard of anything quite like that before. The nearest experience to that I know is when a user first logs in to the warehouse with a default password. The account may be a new one created by registering with a website like the Orthoperoids Recording Scheme. An account such as that has no admin permissions and you are asked to change your password.

I can restore your permissions but will just confirm details via email.

Jim Bacon


Re: Warehouse Access

Cheers Jim.

There may be something more going on as the iform reports are no longer pulling back records from the warehouse. I can only assume this is because the connection settings are no longer functioning?

Throwing sql error

general_errors.There was an SQL error: ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "w" LINE 13: CASE WHEN w.id IN (69) THEN '' ELSE snf.website_title || '->... ^ - SELECT o.id as "occurrence_id", snf.website_title || ' | ' || snf.survey_title as "source", o.sample_id as "sample_id", CASE WHEN cttl.preferred_taxon=cttl.default_common_name then cttl.preferred_taxon ELSE cttl.preferred_taxon || COALESCE(' | ' || cttl.default_common_name, '') END as "taxon", cttl.taxon_group as "taxon_group", o.taxa_taxon_list_id as "taxa_taxon_list_id", o.location_name as "location_name", regexp_replace(snf.public_entered_sref, ',[^ ]', ', ', 'g') as "entered_sref", o.date_start as "date_start", o.date_end as "date_end", o.date_type as "date_type", CASE WHEN w.id IN (69) THEN '' ELSE snf.website_title || '-> ' END || CASE WHEN LENGTH(snf.recorders)>30 THEN 'Recorder' ELSE snf.recorders END as "recorder", o.zero_abundance as "zero_abundance", o.record_status as "record_status", CASE WHEN CAST(o.created_by_id AS character varying) = '229' AND o.website_id IN (69) THEN true ELSE false END as "belongs_to_user", o.certainty as "certainty", round(length(snf.public_entered_sref) / 24.0, 2) as "fo", case o.record_status when 'C' then case o.certainty when 'C' then 'green' when 'L' then 'orange' when 'U' then 'red' else 'blue' end when 'V' then 'green' when 'D' then 'orange' when 'R' then 'red' else 'black' end as "sc", case o.record_status when 'V' then 'green' when 'D' then 'orange' when 'R' then 'red' else 'blue' end as "fc", length(snf.public_entered_sref) as "zi", st_astext(o.public_geom) as "geom", onf.media as "images", case when o.input_form is null then '' else o.input_form end as "input_form" FROM cache_occurrences_functional o JOIN cache_occurrences_nonfunctional onf on onf.id=o.id JOIN cache_samples_nonfunctional snf on snf.id=o.sample_id JOIN cache_taxa_taxon_lists cttl ON cttl.id=o.taxa_taxon_list_id JOIN users privacyusers ON privacyusers.id=o.created_by_id WHERE (o.training=false OR o.training IS NULL) AND (o.website_id in (69) OR privacyusers.id=1 OR privacyusers.allow_share_for_reporting=true OR privacyusers.allow_share_for_reporting IS NULL) AND o.website_id in (69) AND o.record_status not in ('I','T') AND (0=1 OR o.record_status not in ('D','R')) AND (''='' OR st_intersects(o.public_geom, ST_MakeValid(st_geomfromtext('',900913)))) ORDER BY o.id DESC LIMIT 3000 
Natural History & Biodiversity Data Enthusiast


Re: Warehouse Access

I'll just bring that to the attention of John van Breda in case that has something to do with the updates performed on the warehouse this morning.

Jim Bacon.


Re: Warehouse Access

Hi both,
Yes, that report was affected by the upgrade. It should now be fixed.

John van Breda
Biodiverse IT


Re: Warehouse Access

Cheers John,
I've also re-created the report and it's working. Though i am still getting an error i suspect it is to do with my config.

 Notice: Undefined index: explore-ownData in iform_map_explorer::get_form() (line 230 of /home/linweb24/a/activenaturalist.org.uk/user/htdocs/mbb/sites/all/modules/iform/client_helpers/prebuilt_forms/map_explorer.php). 
Natural History & Biodiversity Data Enthusiast