Topic: unique IDs

At one time the URL for a Grid map was based on a unique ID  e.g.  NHMSYS0000501995 in https://data.nbn.org.uk/Taxa/NHMSYS0000501995/Grid_Map and the Grid Map graphic itself included the same ID e.g NHMSYS0000501995 in https://gis.nbn.org.uk/SingleSpecies/NH … magesize=5 in its root. The same Grid Map unique ID is also used in the Interactive Map's URL

I noticed today that quite a number of the Grid Maps e.g. NBNSYS0100002965 in https://data.nbn.org.uk/Taxa/NBNSYS0100002965/Grid_Map, have a different unique ID e.g NHMSYS0021142180 in https://gis.nbn.org.uk/SingleSpecies/NH … magesize=5 in its root. The latter is also used in the Interactive Map's URL.

It does not appear possible to tell from the graphic's properties which Grid Map or Interactive is represented other than  its unique ID and no species names are displayed on the graphics themselves or mentioned in the URL

Have the IDs of the Grid Maps and Interactive Maps been changed deliberately or are the mismatches due to errors?


Re: unique IDs

Hello Brian

There has been no change to the grid map or interactive map and the difference you are seeing in the species IDs (taxonversionkeys) is not an error but the result of the how the NBN Gateway is automatically including all the names for a species when generating the maps.

In the example you provide the difference in IDs is because NBNSYS0100002965 is the taxonversionkey (uniqueID) for Emmetia marginea which is not the current scientific name for Bordered Carl. The current scientific name is Coptotriche marginea which has the taxonverisonkey NHMSYS0021142180.

The grid map automatically redirects searches for all previous names to the current scientific name for a species but is retaining the original search taxonversionkey in the URL. The grid map graphic and IMT are however using the taxonversionkey for the current scientific name (in this case NHMSYS0021142180) in the URL.

Best wishes