Topic: SQL Server Management Studio

I have a laptop (Windows 7) with R6 v.6.24 installed and running ok with no problems.

When I open Management Studio and Connect, when expanding Databases I get System Databases but that’s the only one. I can’t see NBNData. Why is NBNData not included in the Databases hierarchy?

Bob Marsh
Doncaster LRC
Coleoptera recorder for YNU


Re: SQL Server Management Studio

Are you sure you have the correct instance ? I think that sometimes Management Studio doesn't detect all instances and you may need to key in the instance name.

Mike Weideli


Re: SQL Server Management Studio

If R6 is running properly how do I key in the instance name after I've opened Management Studio and Connect? Presently only the System Databases is showing in the Databases hierarchy.

Bob Marsh
Doncaster LRC
Coleoptera recorder for YNU


Re: SQL Server Management Studio

The instance is chosen when you connect. It is the 'server name'  selected  when you connect.  If R6 is running and you can't see NBNdata in the Databases hierarchy then I don't think you can be connected to the instance being used by R6. The  easiest way to check is to look in the registry. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Wow6432Node/ Dorset Software/Recorder 6  . On the right hand side you will see the Server Name which R6 is using. If you are connected to this I can't think of a way NBNdata will not show in the databases hierarchy.

Mike Weideli


Re: SQL Server Management Studio

Thanks Mike - I'll have a look and get back to you....

Bob Marsh
Doncaster LRC
Coleoptera recorder for YNU