Hello to Nick.
Nick wrote:…the system is a bit slow. I therefore wonder whether it will be even slower once you add some background mapping?
About this question, no it won’t be slower unless you add really huge cartography files to background, however I don’t believe that can occur (getting slower) because I already tried that with other projects.
Also about speed (or getting a bit slow) it’s happening because when the client connects to the server he is actually connecting and processing all the information on the fly which will end up creating some views that can be later queried by the client and are also displayed in the map.
So, to make this approach faster it’s easy, by using the DBMS crate views or event schedule a script for creating and deleting tables during maintenance time will improve a LOT the speed.
This approach was intended to test&identify the potential issues regarding recorder development and try to understand how heavy the database can be, which will reflect the amount of processing requisites for a feasible web application.
The next step is to perform a few server programming to improve the speed that will improve the above.
About queries available you can find a few of them mainly in 2 locations.
The “Query Manager” allows you to select a few of them, however more of them could be added, it just depends of what you want to allow the user to query, in these case since I’ve a lot of work haven’t the time, so I just recommend to try it.
There’s also spatial queries already available (more info with images here http://internal.bio3.pt/recorderlive/concept.html) . By using the buttons you can perform 2 types of queries; on one hand you can create a point, build a buffer and select the action for that buffer (taxon or biotope); or on another hand you can build a polygon and get the associated data from it.
Nick wrote:…. Can you not query the data from the database and use existing systems (e.g. OpenLayers… Nick
Basically, Openlayers is one of my favorite opensource GIS visualizer , but I´ve never tried OpenLayers for Recorder GIS but I believe that’s possible to get something interesting from it.
Regarding this platform I’m more like a user not like a developer for the moment.
Nick wrote:Incidentally, will your solution run on PHP?
It’s possible to run on PHP however this example is pure ASP and it's bsed on a commercial GIS application not opensource.