Re: Help - error 3343 (Rec2002)


There were three of us happily working on our networked version of Recorder 2002 this morning, whrn suddenly stopped working. Now we cannot even open it, getting the error message:

ETDBEngineError: Access Status 3343 - Unrecohnized database format 'Y:\Database\nbndict.mdb'.
DBI Error Code = Titan (BDE) Error 3343

What do I do now?

Thanks in advance


Re: Help - error 3343 (Rec2002)

Looks like the database has either been corrupted for some reason, or got converted. Did someone open the database in a version of Access subsequent to 97 and convert it?

Charles Roper
Digital Development Manager | Field Studies Council
http://www.field-studies-council.org | https://twitter.com/charlesroper | https://twitter.com/fsc_digital


Re: Help - error 3343 (Rec2002)

No, no one has done anything out of the ordinary.


Re: Help - error 3343 (Rec2002)

How big is the .mdb file?

Charles Roper
Digital Development Manager | Field Studies Council
http://www.field-studies-council.org | https://twitter.com/charlesroper | https://twitter.com/fsc_digital


Re: Help - error 3343 (Rec2002)

The nbndict.mdb is 246,290 kb (the nbndata.mdb is 432,354 kb).


Re: Help - error 3343 (Rec2002)

Ok, I've replaced the nbndict.mdb file with one from a backup and it all seems to be working again now.



Re: Help - error 3343 (Rec2002)

You mentioned initially that there were three of you using your networked version of R2K2. Jet (Access) databases are known to corrupt in multi-user environments, so if you see this happening on a regular basis, it's probably time to upgrade to the more robust SQL Server based Recorder 6.

Charles Roper
Digital Development Manager | Field Studies Council
http://www.field-studies-council.org | https://twitter.com/charlesroper | https://twitter.com/fsc_digital


Re: Help - error 3343 (Rec2002)

Just to add my voice in agreement to Charles. We had R2002 running on a peer-to-peer Windows 2000 network with about 6 PCs for some time. The robustness of the Jet engine leaves an awful lot to be desired and ours kept tripping up due to multi-user situations. One of the keys to Jet's multi-user control is the .ldb file which accompanies the .mdb. Its such a long time ago now that I can barely recall how we used the .ldb to fix such situations but if you are lucky the Microsoft website will still have a description of it and instructions on how to zap it (yes, the idea was to delete the offending "machin" (that's yer actual French)) to restore access access. Possibly this is another problem you haven't experienced yet, Margaret.
It was the multi-user problems that I used to canvass for an upgrade to R6.
Charles states "probably time to upgrade"; I would say "essential for all LRCs to upgrade now" in view of all the time that LRCs will lose by entering data to older standards and having to refettle some of it when they get R6. LRCs are also under an obligation to dish up Gateway data through their EN SLAs and the R6 add-in by Stuart is also a huge time-saver.
Contact the Recorder resellers now! (Sally Rankin, Richard Weddle or Mike Weideli (get well soon))


Re: Help - error 3343 (Rec2002)

Thanks. We are in the process of upgrading - Sally is checking our database for errors at the moment, then we're ready to go.