Another curiosity about this tale is that the map outline used for the grid maps of species has IOM (but, strangely, lacks the series of small but ecologically rather important islands W of Orkney and the W Isles (Sule Stack, Sule Skerry, Sula Sgeir, N Rona, Flannans, Monachs, and Boreray). The one you get with the kludge seems to be the same background map. The default record density map shows all of these islands, but lacks IOM.
The geography of Britain has not changed a great deal in the past millennium so there seems little excuse for having maps that do not reflect reality (OK - someone else can argue that with OS), but more puzzling is why G5 should use two different outlines in different contexts for plots that are essentially the same. Another of the imponderable inconsistencies that plague this site.
I can't leave without pointing out that G4 gridmaps (also OS origin) have all these small northern isles *and* IOM on the one map with no need for a kludge. Is the suggestion that you dig out the map you are still displaying in G4, and stick it into G5, a ludicrous suggestion? Some folk would think that moving from one complete map to a choice between two incomplete maps constitutes neither 'progress' nor 'improvement', except possibly in the lexicon of the elite in Pyongyang.