Topic: Issues with Dictionary update 26-28
According to the JNCC website this batch of dictionary updates corrected the error I mentioned regarding the term 'woodlouse' which returned records for Ligidium hypnorum
Despite the notice this has not been corrected in my copy of Recorder!
If I search for Ligidium hypnorum recorder correctly reports no records found, however, if I search on 'woodlouse' the pull down displays this as 'woodlouse [Spp] (Ligidium hypnorum (Cuvier, 1792))' which is OK, but worryingly it returned 4 records found! When viewed these are obviously people entering 'woodlouse' meaning 'Isopoda/Oniscidea' NOT Ligidium
Searching for "Isopoda" doesn't appear to return these records at all, they just appear to have 'disappeared'!
These are not important records, but if this problem is more widespread it could be worrying
Staffordshire Ecological Record