Topic: Download Wizard - Peer Review barrier
Using the Download Wizard to download Diptera records for eventual use in the Dipterists Digest publication. It is peer-reviewed but is not profit-making (I'm personally an advocate of Open-Access Publishing).
Only the first two "purposes" in the drop-down list permit "permission-free" downloading, "Personal interest" is clearly not the correct one, the second item,
Educational purposes - Small scale student assignments (but not PhD theses or papers published in peer reviewed literature), environmental education - e.g. producing a leaflet. Non commercial training products."
expressly forbids our journal because it is peer-reviewed.
Any options after that require written permission.
Surely this is a barrier to the legitimate use of the records by National Recording Schemes, Dipterists Forum cannot be the only NSS whose journals are peer-reviewed and whose members provided these records in the first place (mostly)