Topic: New Gateway Wishlist
I've managed to get into the "new" Gateway a few time and had a play with some of the features, as well as hitting the "D'oh" screen a few times. After checking out the interactive map features, could I request the following "tweaks" be given some consideration.
Default Mapping colour. Apart from the fact that the "Royal Blue" default colour is somewhat "OTT" for mapping, could you look into providing a method of setting user preferences or defaults for the mapping. The map give the user all sorts of options such as opacity and colour etc etc but there is not way of keeping these settings - once you look at a new species or map then we are back to "100% Royal Blue" again. It seems wasteful to have to adjust these every time i look at the map.
Multi-Species Maps. The ability to easily add addtional species to the maps easily is very welcome, though the comments about default mapping colours apply here also. However, Dots for Species 2 are overlain directly over those of Species 1 if they occur in the same square and there is no immediate way of telling that there is more than one species here. Addting more species compounds the problem. For up to 4 species, it would be useful to see "hybrid" dots that show the occurance of more than one species.
"Records by Dot". The old Gateway interactive map had the very useful facilty that allowed a right click over a dot which showed the species and easy access to the underyling records. For a quick check of a map this was an extremely useful feature. This does not appear to happen with the new Gateway. Please could we have this facility back.
Front End. The page where one selects species is very "clunky". Surey there is no reason to present users with a list of every species on the Gateway and hide the search box in the top corner. If you are going to provide a list, at least put it into some kind of order - taxonomic, alphabetic or something, at the moment it is all over the place and makes searching difficult. The search box from the old gateway site was much more obvious - I would like to see that reurned to the page.