The attached test addin can be installed just to check that there is no general problems with installing addins. It just adds a button called 'Test' to the observation hierarchy. Assuming that this addins can be installed without problems, it would seem that the problems with the NBNExchange addin are caused by the install process trying to add new stored procedures to the database. Permission issues on the database and on the files may be casuing the problem. In order to test this I have taken this part of the process out of the addin and a new version is attached to confirm this. This uses just the one file (NBNExchangeAddinNu.dll).
If you are unsure whether or not other addins install then
1. Unzip the test addin and copy the file into the Addin folder of R6.
2. Install the Test addin using Tools Addin Modules
If this install OK or you know other addins will install then
1. Check that the NBNExchange addin is not installed using Tools Addin Modules, Install. Remove the addin if it is already there. Then close Recorder -(important).
2. Unzip the NBNExchange addin file and copy this into the Addin folder of R6. Overwrite the file if it is already there.
3. Open Recorder and install the addin using Tools, Addin Modules.
If the addin installs correctly, then we have identified the problem. The update to the database can them be run by installing the SQL using Mangement Studio tools.
Please report the steps you take and what happens so that we can investigate further if required.
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Mike Weideli