Topic: Extra Info on a Search

Hello Forum

When searching for records within a given radius round a geographic point the list Report List does not include the "Record Type", "Comments" or "Abundances".

Our records set is for bats - so I can't tell if a given record is for  Maternity Roost, Hibernation Roost or whatever unless I open up every record in the Report List  - A very tedious task for a 10km.

Is there and add in or another method that will include this info in my Reports

Thanks Andrew Perry


Re: Extra Info on a Search


Could be a bit more specific about which report you are running.

Mike Weideli


Re: Extra Info on a Search

Hello Mike

I usually run a "Geographic Area/ Location Report"  - "Circle Report" - "Records Within a Circle" - it the "Record Type" I cant seem to appear in the report.

Thanks Andrew


Re: Extra Info on a Search

Attached are two new reports which include record type. Copy them into the reports folder of R6. Close R6 and open it again  and the reports should be here. Comments could be added very easily.

Post's attachments

JNCC_Ci3.xml 6.21 kb, 4 downloads since 2013-06-14 

JNCC_Ci4.xml 6.31 kb, 2 downloads since 2013-06-14 

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Mike Weideli


Re: Extra Info on a Search

Hello Mike

That's fantastic thanks, it's made my life so much easier so it's much appreciated.

I have recently installec the 50km OS from NBN of West Yorkshire, and although can export the selected records to maps when running the Report Wizard , when running the circle Report (say a km or two radius around a central point) the "Send to Map" option is greyed out - is there a reason for this, and can I change it?

I often get maps included from Data Centres when requesting data and would like to include some maps with ours (at the West Yorkshire Bat Group).

Thanks Andrew Perry

It would be good to include a map in our data searches - is there  reson for this


Re: Extra Info on a Search

To export to the Map a report requires lat/Long/Spatial_ref/spatial_ref_system and Taxon_list_Item_key. I have added the missing  fields to the attached revised version of Ci4 so this should now allow the points to be displayed on the map. Note that the extra fields do not display, but this version includes the Taxon Occurrence Comment field..

Post's attachments

JNCC_Ci4.xml 6.84 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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Mike Weideli