Topic: smallest device for running R6?
I would like to know what the smallest device is, in terms of physical size, that I can use to run Recorder 6, and can anyone recommend a make/model please?
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Forum → Recorder General Chat → smallest device for running R6?
I would like to know what the smallest device is, in terms of physical size, that I can use to run Recorder 6, and can anyone recommend a make/model please?
It needs something which will run full Windows, so a PC of some sort. I have it running on a netbook (Samsung NC10).
Probably one of the new Windows tablets, but I don't have any experience of them. I presume you want portability, in which case I would say a netbook is probably the best option.
Don't think it will run under Windows tablet software. Windows 7 netbooks are still just about avaiable, but not I think for much longer. From my point of view this a shame as it is helpful to me to have a relatively portable device which runs the same software as my desktop.
Thanks, Rob and Mike. It is not portability that I desire, it is small size. About two years ago I suddenly started getting a throbbing ache in my throat after close exposure to a PC/laptop monitor or a TV screen. I have tried all sorts of ways to overcome this problem but to no avail. I currently run my PC through a 32" flat Panasonic TV and sit as far away from it as possible - about 4-5 metres - which is OK, just, for reading text on screen, though I have to use the Windows Magnifier for Recorder 6, the text being so small, but anything closer and the problem starts within 5 - 20 minutes depending how close to the screen I am. The same thing happens if I venture into an electrical shop like PC World. It's definitely not a posture-related problem. Anyway, as a result I use my PC as little as possible. Fortunately I don't depend on it for a living. I'm wondering whether I could avoid the problem by using a really small device such as a tablet but I know nothing about these things, hence my question on this forum
Trouble with small devices like the netbbook is that they are slow, which is fine for looking up something or a quick demo, buit frustrating if you are trying to do serious work. I don't know, but perhaps you could get a really small monitor, but continue with a PC processor as it doesn't sound like it is the processor which is causing the problem. You can get 7 inch/8/10 inch and if a netbook or tablet is ok for you then one of these should be ok as well. I assume it is something to do with the power output which is causing the problem so a very small monitor close to may be the answer. You could also try going back to a CRT analog monitor (with a tube not a flat screen)- I see them at car boot sales for just a few pounds.
Thanks for these suggestions, which I shall follow up.
Hi Bob
Perhaps a rather novel, or even bizarre suggestion, but something like this might be fun - it's certainly about as small as it gets, but will need a WiFi connection obviously, and a bit of setting up on the server side as well...
Haven't actually tried it myself, but might give it a go when I have a minute
There's also a heap of free RDP clients, just do a search for RDP at Google Play
Forum → Recorder General Chat → smallest device for running R6?
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