We originally had our R6 setup on our main fileserver which is very busy and rather overcrowded, particularly in terms of memory. So we moved it (both SQL Server and the Recorder program files) to a seperate server, which isn't as powerful in terms of CPU as the main file server, although it does have more RAM. This second server does various other things, like mirroring the files on the main file server, so it's not completely dedicated to R6. But there was a significant performance enhancement, mainly due to the increased RAM (we've got 3GB in there). It's all a matter of scale, though. If you've got a relatively underused file server, with only a few people using it, then you're not going to see much of a performance hit by housing everything togther. I suspect that advice in the network setup is aimed at very large organisations, with tens- if not hundreds of users (like Thames Water perhaps).
With importing, times are very much affected by the client, i.e. the computer you're working on. A lot of the processing is done locally, rather than on the server, so if you've got a slow client, a faster server won't help. I don't see why reporting would be affected at all by moving the program files, or exporting. What speed is your network? Is there a lot of traffic? I'd actually recommend keeping the whole Recorder setup together on the same machine to reduce network traffic, unless there's a provable reason this setup slows Recorer down.
Charles Roper
Digital Development Manager | Field Studies Council
http://www.field-studies-council.org | https://twitter.com/charlesroper | https://twitter.com/fsc_digital