Re: How do I …. Set Monthly dates in Excel to import correctly in Recorder


I’m really quite new to Recorder 6, and am busily trying to import as much data as possible before we go live with the West Wales Biodiversity Information Centre, next week.  Much of our data has been provided in Excel spreadsheets and I’m struggling to find a way to store a record for one month.  For example, typing in 05/1990 in a cell, will display as 05/1990 but be stored as 01/05/1990 and this is the date that Recorder imports.  Has anyone encountered and overcome this problem?

Many thanks



Re: How do I …. Set Monthly dates in Excel to import correctly in Recorder

In answer to my own messge(!), in case any one else has this problem, months can be entered into Recorder as a roman numeral


Re: How do I …. Set Monthly dates in Excel to import correctly in Recorder

Sorry Laura missed your message, but thanks for posting the answer for other users!

Kind regards,


Sarah Shaw
Biodiversity Information Assistant

Sarah Shaw
Biodiversity Information Assistant


Re: How do I …. Set Monthly dates in Excel to import correctly in Recorder

You can also import a month in a given year by writing it like this for example:

September 2007

I didn't know about the roman numeral thing, though. Thanks for the tip.

Charles Roper
Digital Development Manager | Field Studies Council
http://www.field-studies-council.org | https://twitter.com/charlesroper | https://twitter.com/fsc_digital