Topic: Workflow for working from SVN

So say I want to use code directly from SVN, what is a good workflow? Should I:

a) export just the bits I need into my development directory, then upload to the live server (once tested)?

b) checkout a portion of the repo directly into my development directory and use that?

I'm thinking the first option at the moment so that I don't upload a bunch of hidden .svn folders. Having said that, I could just pull in the changes using SVN directly on the server (i.e., no intermediate download/upload stage), plus it would be easier to roll back to a previous version. BUT, it still wouldn't be easy to roll back the database. Hmm.

Would appreciate knowing what others do.


Charles Roper
Digital Development Manager | Field Studies Council
http://www.field-studies-council.org | https://twitter.com/charlesroper | https://twitter.com/fsc_digital


Re: Workflow for working from SVN

Hi Charles,

We have a private warehouse for development which I keep updated directly from the the SVN Trunk.

The public warehouses are upgraded according to the published upgrade procedure when a new release is tagged.

On my workstation I keep a copy of the latest branch which I update from the repository. To patch the public warehouses I copy over just the changed files from here.
