1 (edited by michaelweideli 28-07-2012 16:14:49)

Re: UsingDrupaliForm

I have been trying to set up the IForm module following the wiki instructions. I am now getting the following  message and would grateful for some help in identifying what is wrong.   

warning: require_once(./sites/all/modules/iform/client_helpers/helper_config.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/lfieldco/public_html/BSWG.org.uk/sites/all/modules/iform/iform.admin.inc on line 8.

There were a few things where I couldn't follow the instructions exactly

Jquery_ui version 6.x-1.3  doesn't seem to be there so loaded 1.5

instructions say create helper_config.php in sites/modules/all/iform/client_helpers, but folder which is created earlier  is in sites//all/modules/  so assumed that this is the correct place.


Mike Weideli
(R6 User - not receiving any funding for providing this support)


Re: UsingDrupaliForm

Hi Mike,

So the error message says that the file helper_config.php cannot be found where the program expects it to be.

If the instructions you are reading say to create it in "sites/modules/all/iform/client_helpers" that is a typo which should read "sites/all/modules/iform/client_helpers". If you can give us a page reference to where this appears then we can correct it.

Jim Bacon.


Re: UsingDrupaliForm


Thanks. I did follow the instructiosn without fully undertsanding what I was doing and created the file in the wrong place. Thought I had moved it. but didn't do it properly, which was the problem. OK now and on to the next stage.



Mike Weideli
(R6 User - not receiving any funding for providing this support)


Re: UsingDrupaliForm

Thanks. I have corrected the typo.

Jim Bacon