1 (edited by david 19-06-2012 15:55:44)

Re: Using someone elses warehouse


I've been asekd to use Indicia for our records centre. But in the instructions it mentions we need a GIS warehouse.
We don't have the money to buy this but it mentions it could be shared. Are there free ones or can anyone let me know if we can link to their warehouse?

2 (edited by Jim Bacon 21-06-2012 18:07:25)

Re: Using someone elses warehouse

Dear David,

The Biological Records Centre at the NERC Centre for Ecology and Hydrology maintain a warehouse which we make available to like-minded organisations. We are generally working with volunteer-run recording schemes to whom we make no charge. If you would like to use the link at left to email me further details about your organisation and activities then I can let you know if we can help.

Jim Bacon