Re: Recorder and GIS

This is probably a daft question but how do others deal with exporting records from recorder for viewing into GIS software. We use ArcView 9 with various SQL routines but I'm wondering if there's a more 'accepted' way of achieving this.


Re: Recorder and GIS

Hi - not daft at all! I've written up how I do it with Recorder 6 and MapInfo:

http://forums.nbn.org.uk/uploads.php?fi … 0Final.doc


Alan Hale


Re: Recorder and GIS

Hi Alan

Thanks for the info - it looks pretty similar to some of the stuff I'm doing. I did have problems exporting data from ArcView using a 'live' connection with Recorder 6 although viewing worked fine. For now I'll stick with exporting the fields I need using SQL and then using them as an XY table in ArcView and see where this sort of development route takes me!




Re: Recorder and GIS

Does anyone know any webgis online providing species distribution maps with Recorder connected to a GIS?

I'll try a solution with Recorder Snapshot and Manifold GIS to keep up-to-date online data for Portugal. Example can be accessed from http://internal.bio3.pt/atlas (user: bio3web pass: Web@ccess). This is not running with Recorder by now but the GIS interface is very easy to implement with some coding knowledge. Since Recorder allow connection by ODBC or OLE, I guess it will be easy to achieve a reliable system. By now we are using Access as biodiversity DB but Recorder could for sure be a great solution to produce a package (Manifold+Recorder6).




Re: Recorder and GIS

Hello to all.

To achieve what ILawrie said "...using a 'live' connection" it's easy to do with Manifold GIS, which integrates Recorder database really well. :)



Re: Recorder and GIS

Hello to all!

I've been developing a webgis based entirely on recorder database.

There’s already a public version with some minor bugs and is currently living at ---------> http://internal.bio3.pt/recorderlive

This version is a bit slow when running some queries, because all this data is being processed on the fly, with will end up delaying the application a bit.

By this approach which is powered by the recorder database without any middle DBMS or any tools besides of course the GIS platform behind it intended to understand some problems related to the delivery of the recorder data base online using a webgis.

The next step is working the integration and strategy of delivering this data over the internet,  in a faster and better way.

