Re: Taxon Occurrence sort within sample

If I open a sample to display the taxon occurrences within the sample I can sort the occurrences by Scientific Name or Common Name. Would it be possible to sort by Taxonomic Order, as a feature item in a future upgrade??. A sample is likely to contain a wide variety of taxa from different Orders, and as some of us can think in checklist order this feature would be a useful addition to the Sort By choice.

Bob Marsh
Doncaster LRC
Coleoptera recorder for YNU


Re: Taxon Occurrence sort within sample

I agree with the previous poster’s request to have an option to sort taxon occurrences by taxonomic order within samples.  It would be very helpful when browsing samples for, say, caddisfly records, not to have to wade through a list of perhaps 50-100 taxa from other orders looking for them.  Also, it would be easier to place, in one’s mind, an obscure taxon into a meaningful position within the taxonomic hierarchy because of the nearby position of recognized taxa.