Re: size limit on import, a bug or just our computers?
HI folks,
have just been running an import of around 151,000 records into a recorder6 stand-alone. These were an NBN-zipped export from R2002 (on a different machine) where the records/locations are fine.
I left the machine running overnight, and found an "unhandled error" message, but thought little of it as apparently the recent training course in our office (I wasn't there) told us this does happen, nothing wrong.
So, to my delight, there were 150K+ records in the system ( but I admit I did not do the maths on exact numbers). Hurrah me thinks.
However, now that I have time to look at them, I wonder if there was a problem:
Firstly, about half of the locations have failed to appear, and the events are just given a grid reference, despite them having a location in R2K2.
Secondly, some events within the survey are empty
Thirdly, there is at least one instance of:
location A appearing twice, one entry fine, one entry having an additional site name (a different site about 1-2km away) - site B. the description box and grid reference are that of site B
Site B then also appears, with its correct description & grid ref, with site A listed as an additional location name.
Any suggestions of what may have happened in any of these points most gratefully received.
the errors in the import file are many and fall into several categories:
Failed to insert SR00028500001JW9 into SQLSERVER_SAMPLE Database Error Message: ODBC--call failed.
Failed to insert SR00028500003CYG into SQLSERVER_TAXON_OCCURRENCE Database Error Message: ODBC--call failed.
Failed to insert SR00028500000EMC into SQLSERVER_SURVEY_EVENT_RECORDER Database Error Message: ODBC--call failed.
Failed to insert SR00028500001JHZ into SQLSERVER_TAXON_OCCURRENCE_DATA Database Error Message: ODBC--call failed.
Failed to insert SR00028500003V09 into SQLSERVER_TAXON_DETERMINATION Database Error Message: ODBC--call failed.
Failed to insert SR00028500007KK5 into SQLSERVER_TAXON_DETERMINATION Database Error Message:
Louise Bacon
Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Biological Records Centre