Re: Installing Instant Indicia

after the great workshop last Saturday, I tried installing Instant Indicia today.
With the installation of the warehouse I get as far as to hit the Submit-button for the database configuration. Unfortunately I don't get any reaction. That means the message as it is described in http://code.google.com/p/indicia/wiki/Installation is missing. Can anybody help me there? What can I check, what might have gone wrong?
In the installation process I always used the default settings and default names. I want to install everything locally on my computer, so any security is not important at this point.
Then I tried to install Instant Indicia. I first installed XAMPP. I hoped, that would give me all the prerequisites for installing Instant Indicia. I'm now struggeling with creating a database. Starting phpmyadmin I'm immediately told, that I don't have access to MySQL server on 'localhost'. Can anybody help me there?



Re: Installing Instant Indicia

Hi Wolfgang
When you click submit on this page, it is likely to take a few seconds while it sets up the database. If that definifely isn't working, then the best way to find out more is to enable full logging and try again. To do this, find the application/config/config.php file and edit it with a text editor. Find the setting $config['log_threshold'] and change the value to 4 (debugging) and save the file.
Next, try to recreate the problem, then go to application/logs. There will be a log file with todays date. If any problem has been recorded you will see it near the bottom of the log file which you could post here if the answer is not clear.

With the XAMPP install, have you started the XAMPP control panel and started the MySQL process?

John van Breda
Biodiverse IT


Re: Installing Instant Indicia

Hi John,
thanks for the answer.
Waiting didn't help and so I switched on the log file. Unfortunately the log file doesn't help and so I post it here:

<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.'); ?>

2011-11-23 11:13:10 +00:00 --- debug: Global GET, POST and COOKIE data sanitized
2011-11-23 11:13:10 +00:00 --- debug: Session Cookie Driver Initialized
2011-11-23 11:13:10 +00:00 --- debug: Session Library initialized
2011-11-23 11:13:10 +00:00 --- info: Processing: C:\xampp\htdocs\Indicia/modules/indicia_setup/db/postgis_alterations.sql
2011-11-23 11:13:10 +00:00 --- error: #2: Error converted to exception. pg_query() [<a href='function.pg-query'>function.pg-query</a>]: Query failed: ERROR:  permission denied for relation spatial_ref_sys at line 214 in file C:\xampp\htdocs\Indicia\modules\indicia_setup\models\setupdb.php
2011-11-23 11:13:10 +00:00 --- debug: Stack trace:
    Unknown file - line Unknown - indicia_error_handler
    C:\xampp\htdocs\Indicia\modules\indicia_setup\models\setupdb.php - line 214 - pg_query
    C:\xampp\htdocs\Indicia\modules\indicia_setup\controllers\setup_check.php - line 437 - query
    C:\xampp\htdocs\Indicia\modules\indicia_setup\controllers\setup_check.php - line 380 - run_script
    C:\xampp\htdocs\Indicia\modules\indicia_setup\controllers\setup_check.php - line 295 - create_database
    Unknown file - line Unknown - config_db_save
    C:\xampp\htdocs\Indicia\system\core\Kohana.php - line 291 - invokeArgs
    Unknown file - line Unknown - instance
    C:\xampp\htdocs\Indicia\system\core\Event.php - line 209 - call_user_func
    C:\xampp\htdocs\Indicia\system\core\Bootstrap.php - line 55 - run
    C:\xampp\htdocs\Indicia\index.php - line 112 - require

2011-11-23 11:13:10 +00:00 --- error: Setup failed: ERROR:  permission denied for relation spatial_ref_sys
2011-11-23 11:13:10 +00:00 --- debug: Cache Library initialized
2011-11-23 11:13:10 +00:00 --- debug: Global GET, POST and COOKIE data sanitized
2011-11-23 11:13:10 +00:00 --- debug: Session Cookie Driver Initialized
2011-11-23 11:13:10 +00:00 --- debug: Session Library initialized
2011-11-23 11:13:10 +00:00 --- error: Uncaught Kohana_404_Exception: The page you requested, setup_check/fancybox/fancy_shadow_nw.png, could not be found. in file C:/xampp/htdocs/Indicia/system/core/Kohana.php on line 841
2011-11-23 11:13:10 +00:00 --- debug: Global GET, POST and COOKIE data sanitized
2011-11-23 11:13:11 +00:00 --- debug: Session Cookie Driver Initialized
2011-11-23 11:13:11 +00:00 --- debug: Session Library initialized
2011-11-23 11:13:11 +00:00 --- error: Uncaught Kohana_404_Exception: The page you requested, setup_check/fancybox/fancy_shadow_w.png, could not be found. in file C:/xampp/htdocs/Indicia/system/core/Kohana.php on line 841
2011-11-23 11:13:11 +00:00 --- debug: Global GET, POST and COOKIE data sanitized
2011-11-23 11:13:11 +00:00 --- debug: Session Cookie Driver Initialized
2011-11-23 11:13:11 +00:00 --- debug: Session Library initialized
2011-11-23 11:13:11 +00:00 --- error: Uncaught Kohana_404_Exception: The page you requested, setup_check/fancybox/fancy_shadow_sw.png, could not be found. in file C:/xampp/htdocs/Indicia/system/core/Kohana.php on line 841
2011-11-23 11:13:11 +00:00 --- debug: Global GET, POST and COOKIE data sanitized
2011-11-23 11:13:11 +00:00 --- debug: Session Cookie Driver Initialized
2011-11-23 11:13:11 +00:00 --- debug: Session Library initialized
2011-11-23 11:13:11 +00:00 --- error: Uncaught Kohana_404_Exception: The page you requested, setup_check/fancybox/fancy_shadow_s.png, could not be found. in file C:/xampp/htdocs/Indicia/system/core/Kohana.php on line 841
2011-11-23 11:13:11 +00:00 --- debug: Global GET, POST and COOKIE data sanitized
2011-11-23 11:13:11 +00:00 --- debug: Session Cookie Driver Initialized
2011-11-23 11:13:11 +00:00 --- debug: Session Library initialized
2011-11-23 11:13:11 +00:00 --- error: Uncaught Kohana_404_Exception: The page you requested, setup_check/fancybox/fancy_shadow_se.png, could not be found. in file C:/xampp/htdocs/Indicia/system/core/Kohana.php on line 841
2011-11-23 11:13:11 +00:00 --- debug: Global GET, POST and COOKIE data sanitized
2011-11-23 11:13:11 +00:00 --- debug: Session Cookie Driver Initialized
2011-11-23 11:13:11 +00:00 --- debug: Session Library initialized
2011-11-23 11:13:11 +00:00 --- error: Uncaught Kohana_404_Exception: The page you requested, setup_check/fancybox/fancy_shadow_e.png, could not be found. in file C:/xampp/htdocs/Indicia/system/core/Kohana.php on line 841
2011-11-23 11:13:11 +00:00 --- debug: Global GET, POST and COOKIE data sanitized
2011-11-23 11:13:11 +00:00 --- debug: Session Cookie Driver Initialized
2011-11-23 11:13:11 +00:00 --- debug: Session Library initialized
2011-11-23 11:13:11 +00:00 --- error: Uncaught Kohana_404_Exception: The page you requested, setup_check/fancybox/fancy_shadow_ne.png, could not be found. in file C:/xampp/htdocs/Indicia/system/core/Kohana.php on line 841
2011-11-23 11:13:11 +00:00 --- debug: Global GET, POST and COOKIE data sanitized
2011-11-23 11:13:11 +00:00 --- debug: Session Cookie Driver Initialized
2011-11-23 11:13:11 +00:00 --- debug: Session Library initialized
2011-11-23 11:13:11 +00:00 --- error: Uncaught Kohana_404_Exception: The page you requested, setup_check/fancybox/fancy_shadow_n.png, could not be found. in file C:/xampp/htdocs/Indicia/system/core/Kohana.php on line 841

It looks like I didn't start MySQL process earlier. Now with the installation of Instant Indicia I'm asked to login to my Instant Indicia site. which doesn't work, probably because I have not completely set up the warehouse.
So is there anybody, who can tell me, how to continue with the warehouse?

Thank you very much,


Re: Installing Instant Indicia

Hi Wolfgang,

It looks like the following piece of SQL script has not been run on the indicia database as per the instructions:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON TABLE geometry_columns TO indicia_user;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON TABLE spatial_ref_sys TO indicia_user;
GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION st_astext(geometry) TO indicia_user;
GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION st_geomfromtext(text, integer) TO indicia_user;
GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION st_transform(geometry, integer) TO indicia_user;

Try running it again using pgAdmin and see if that helps.

Best wishes

John van Breda
Biodiverse IT


Re: Installing Instant Indicia

Hi John,
it looks like, I didn't run that SQL script properly. Now it works. I'm sure, I did it before and not just once.

Many thanks for your great help.
