Re: Survey Results Map

Hi All,

I'm working my way through the Instant Indicia Tutorial.  I'm at the stage of creating a page to display survery results on a map - I select 'Reporting' under Form Category but, when I select the 'Select Form' drop-down it doesn't contain any options.

What have I missed?


Re: Survey Results Map

When you look under the other form categories, does anything appear? I'm assuming that you have managed to create other types of forms?

John van Breda
Biodiverse IT


Re: Survey Results Map

I have the full list of categories [10] but nothing in the Froms drop-down regardless of which category I choose


Re: Survey Results Map

Odd, I've not seen that before. Can you check if there are any JavaScript errors on the page please? Also please ensure that JavaScript is enabled on the browser.

One more thing to look at - if you look at the page source, you will find a line of code which starts "prebuilt_forms = ". Can you post up this line of code please?

Best wishes

John van Breda
Biodiverse IT


Re: Survey Results Map

Hi John,

I get the same behaviour regardless of which browser I user and there are no java script errors.  Here's the code....

prebuilt_forms = {"Forms for specific surveying methods":{"ad_hoc_cetaceans":{"title":"Ad-hoc cetacean records","category":"Forms for specific surveying methods","description":"A form designed for input of ad-hoc records of cetaceans or other marine wildlife. Records can be entered via a map if the sighting was from the shore, or via GPS coordinates for sightings at sea."},"mnhnl_bird_transect_walks":{"title":"Bird Transect Walks","category":"Forms for specific surveying methods","description":"For input of bird records captured during repeated transect walks. Developed for the COBIMO project in Luxembourg."}},"Training\/Testing forms":{"basic_1":{"title":"Basic 1 - species, date, place, survey and comment","category":"Training\/Testing forms","description":"A very simple form designed to illustrate the prebuilt form development and setup process."},"basic_2":{"title":"Basic 2 - species, date, place","category":"Training\/Testing forms","description":"A second very simple form designed to illustrate the prebuilt form development and setup process."}},"Utilities":{"change_identification":{"title":"Change identification of a record","category":"Utilities","description":"A form allowing updating of the identification of an existing record. The form should be accessed by calling the url with a parameter occurrence_id set to the ID of the occurrence being changed. Displays a summary of the record with a list of the sample and occurrence attributes and a control for changing the identification. "},"record_details":{"title":"View details of a record","category":"Utilities","description":"A summary view of a record. Pass a parameter in the URL called occurrence_id to define which occurrence to show."}},"Reporting":{"distribution_map_1":{"title":"Distribution Map 1","category":"Reporting","description":"Outputs a distribution map using Indicia data from GeoServer. Can output a map for a single species or all data from a website. Also features clicking on the data points to see details."},"freeform_report":{"title":"Freeform report","category":"Reporting","description":"Report which allows output to be displayed as a flexible freeform banded output."},"report_chart":{"title":"Report Chart","category":"Reporting","description":"Outputs a chart of data loaded from an Indicia report. Can automatically include the report parameters form required for the generation of the report."},"report_grid":{"title":"Report Grid","category":"Reporting","description":"Outputs a grid of data loaded from an Indicia report. Can automatically include the report parameters form required for the generation of the report.","helpLink":"http:\/\/code.google.com\/p\/indicia\/wiki\/PrebuiltFormReportGrid"},"report_map":{"title":"Report Map","category":"Reporting","description":"Outputs data from a report onto a map. To work, the report must include a column containing spatial data. Can automatically include the report parameters form required for the generation of the report."}},"Miscellaneous":{"importer":{"title":"Importer - upload data using CSV files"},"my_dot_map":{"title":"My dot map"},"site_survey_recording_form":{"title":"Site Survey Recording Form (based on Orthoptera and Allied Insects)"},"verification_1":{"title":"Verification 1 - a simple grid for verification"},"verification_2":{"title":"Verification 2 - a grid for verification where the verifier may update the taxon"}},"MNHNL forms":{"mnhnl_bats":{"title":"MNHNL Bats","category":"MNHNL forms","description":"MNHNL Winter Bats form. Inherits from Dynamic 1."},"mnhnl_butterflies":{"title":"MNHNL Butterflies","category":"MNHNL forms","description":"MNHNL Butterflies form. Inherits from Dynamic 1."},"mnhnl_citizen_science_1":{"title":"MNHNL Citizen Science 1","category":"MNHNL forms","description":"MNHNL Citizen Science 1 form - form designed for citizen science projects."},"mnhnl_collaborators_1":{"title":"MNHNL Collaborators 1","category":"MNHNL forms","description":"MNHNL Collaborators 1 - form designed for collaboration projects."}},"General Purpose Data Entry Forms":{"mnhnl_dynamic_1":{"title":"MNHNL Dynamic 1 - dynamically generated data entry form","category":"General Purpose Data Entry Forms","helpLink":"http:\/\/code.google.com\/p\/indicia\/wiki\/TutorialDynamicForm","description":"A data entry form with an optional grid listing the user's records so forms can be reloaded for editing. Can be used for entry of a single occurrence, ticking species off a checklist, or entering species into a grid. The attributes on the form are dynamically generated from the survey setup on the Indicia Warehouse."},"mnhnl_dynamic_2":{"title":"MNHNL Dynamic 2 - dynamically generated form for entry of a series of ad-hoc occurrences","category":"General Purpose Data Entry Forms","helpLink":"http:\/\/code.google.com\/p\/indicia\/wiki\/TutorialDynamicForm","description":"A data entry form that is dynamically generated from the survey's attributes. The form lets the user create a series of occurrences by clicking on the map to set the location of each one then entering details. Data entered in a single session in this way is joined using a simple sample hierarchy (so the top level sample encapsulates all data for the session."}},"SPIPOLL forms":{"pollenators":{"title":"Pollenators Data Entry","category":"SPIPOLL forms","description":"Pollenators: Data Entry."},"pollenator_gallery":{"title":"Pollenators: Gallery","category":"SPIPOLL forms","description":"Pollenators: Gallery Filter and Focus on Collection, Insect and Flower."}},"Sectioned Transects":{"sectioned_transects_edit_section":{"title":"Section editor","category":"Sectioned Transects","description":"Form for adding or editing the details of a single section within a transect."},"sectioned_transects_edit_transect":{"title":"Transect editor","category":"Sectioned Transects","description":"Form for adding or editing the site details on a transect which has a number of sub-sections."},"sectioned_transects_input_sample":{"title":"Sectioned Transects Sample Input","category":"Sectioned Transects","description":"A form for inputting the counts of species observed at each section along a transect. Can be called with site=<id> in the URL to force the selection of a fixed site, or sample=<id> to edit an existing sample."}},"Verification":{"verification_3":{"title":"Verification 3","category":"Verification","description":"An advanced verification form with built in review of the record, images and comments.","helpLink":"http:\/\/code.google.com\/p\/indicia\/wiki\/PrebuiltFormVerification3"}}};


Re: Survey Results Map

I know its a long shot but is this web-page online somewhere so I can debug it from here? It looks like the data for the page is correct so something must be failing in the JavaScript. Alternatively if you have any experience of debugging JavaScript (e.g. using FireBug) then let me know and I'll provide some pointers as to where to look.
Best wishes

John van Breda
Biodiverse IT